the concept of the universal semiotic of technological experience: a language of images, symbols, and technologies that integrates the conscious and unconscious, the public and the private, in advanced industrial civilization;
zensocialism, an approach to socialism that focuses on the need for simultaneous change at the personal, interpersonal and social levels, blends activism and non-attachment, and aims at the minimally, rather than maximally rational society;
metaphorical metadata, amplifying standard analytical and conceptual classification schemes through classification based on metaphors, symbols, and analogies;[1]
the notion of the streaming body (developed together with Linda F. Crafts);[3]
the notion that the philosopher/musicologist Theodor W. Adorno's model of how to listen to modern music based on his analysis of the individuated nature of a modern musical work is a model for how to be an individuated person in contemporary society.[4]
In addition he works in the following areas: the sociology of digital simulation and of on-line environments; the experience of multiple identities and multiple realities among users of information and communication technologies;[5] and enhancing the experience of music listening. He has worked as a computer programmer/analyst, as a director of academic computing and networking, and as a computer journalist.[6] He has been corresponding editor for the journals Theory and Society and Zeitschrift für kritische Theorie and also writes cultural criticism and reviews.[7]
At Fielding Graduate University he served as senior consultant for academic information projects.
Through his translations he introduced Habermas's work (Toward a Rational Society and Knowledge and Human Interests) and Marcuse's early work (Negations) to the English-speaking world.
Valerie Malhotra Bentz and Jeremy J. Shapiro, Mindful Inquiry in Social Research (Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications, 1998)
John Downing, Rob Fasano, Pat Friedland, Michael F. McCullough, Terry Mizrahi, Jeremy J. Shapiro (eds.), Computers for Social Change and Community Organizing (New York: The Haworth Press, 1991).
"One-Dimensionality: The Universal Semiotic of Technological Experience," (1970) in: Paul Breines (ed.), Critical Interruptions: New Left Perspectives on Herbert Marcuse (New York: Herder and Herder.)
"The Slime of History: embeddedness in nature and critical theory," in John O'Neill (ed.), On Critical Theory (New York: Seabury, 1976)
"My Funeral Music", in Carolyn Bereznak Kenny, ed., Listening, Playing, Creating: Essays on the Power of Sound (Albany: SUNY Press, 1995)
"Evaluating the Internet: a social progress matrix", (co-author with Shelley K. Hughes) in Proceedings of INET '96 (Montreal: Internet Society, 1996)[9]
Information Literacy as a Liberal Art: Enlightenment proposals for a new curriculum"[2]
"Interdisciplinary Knowledge Integration and Intellectual Creativity" [Original title: "Metaphorical and Symbolic Metadata for Interdisciplinary Knowledge Integration and Intellectual Creativity"], in M. J. Lopez-Huertas (ed.), Challenges in Knowledge Representation and Organization for the 21st Century: Integration of Knowledge Across Boundaries (Proceedings of the Seventh International ISKO Conference, Granada, 10–13 July 2002), (Würzburg: Ergon-Verlag, 2002), pp. 100–106.
"The Case of the Inflammatory E-mail: Building Culture and Community in OnLine Academic Environments," (co-author with Shelley K. Hughes), in Kjell Rudestam and Judith Schoenholtz-Read (eds.), Handbook of Online Learning: Innovations in Higher Education and Corporate Training (Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications, 2002). pp. 91–124.
"Digitale Simulation: Theoretische und geschichtliche Grundlagen", in Zeitschrift für kritische Theorie 17 (2003).
"The Streaming Body as the Site of Telecommunications Convergence," (co-author with Linda F. Crafts), in Kristóf Nyíri (ed.), Integration and Ubiquity: Towards a Philosophy of Telecommunications Convergence. Vienna: Passagen Verlag, 2008.
"Adorno´s Praxis of Individuation Through Music Listening", in Zeitschrift für kritische Theorie, XVII:32-33 (2011), and Música em Perspectiva, Vol. 3, No 2 (2010).