(2023) Ikpana Interrogatives (with Bertille Baron, Philip T. Duncan, and Hironori Katsuda)[8]
(2020) Anti-contiguity: A Theory of Wh- Prosody[9]
(2018) African Linguistics on the Prairie (with Travis Major, Philip T. Duncan, and Harold Torrence)[10]
(2017) Africa's Endangered Languages: Documentary and Theoretical Approaches (with Harold Torrence)[11]
(2008) The Grammar of Repetition: Nupe Grammar at the Syntax-Phonology Interface[12][13]
(2024) Absence of Clausal Islands in Shupamem (with Hagay Schurr, Abdoulaye Laziz Nchare, Tysean Bucknor, Xiaomeng Ma, Magdalena Markowska, and Armando Tapia).[14]Languages 9.1 (7): pages 1–35.
(2023) Salvation by Deletion in Nupe (with Gesoel Mendes).[15]Linguistic Inquiry 54: pages 299–325.
(2023) Integrated Non-restrictive Relative Clauses in Shupamem (with Abdoulaye Laziz Nchare).[16]Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 41: pages 655–677.
(2022) Sluicing and Focus Related Particles in Brazilian Portuguese and Nupe (with Gesoel Mendes).[17]Revista Linguíʃtica 18: pages 39–61.
(2022) Managing Data for Theoretical Syntactic Study of a Language (with Philip T. Duncan, Harold Torrence, and Travis Major).[18] In Andrea L. Berez-Kroeker, Bradley McDonnell, Eve Koller, and Lauren Collister (eds.) The Open Handbook of Linguistic Data Management, pages 523–530. MIT Press.
(2021) Predicate Fronting with Verb Doubling in Krachi: A Parallel Chains Analysis (with Harold Torrence).[19] In Vera Lee-Schoenfeld and Dennis Ott (eds.) Parameters of Predicate Fronting: Cross-linguistic Explorations of V(P)-initial Clauses, pp. 131–156. Oxford University Press.
(2021) Documenting the Ikpana Interrogative System (with Bertille Baron, Philip T. Duncan, and Hironori Katsuda).[20]Journal of African Languages and Linguistics 42: pages 63–100.
(2017) On Prosodic Variation and the Distribution of Wh- In-situ.[21]Linguistic Variation 17: pages 111–148.
(2017) The Role of Theory in Documentation: Intervention Effects and Missing Gaps in the Krachi Documentation Record (with Harold Torrence).[22] In Jason Kandybowicz and Harold Torrence (eds.) Africa's Endangered Languages: Documentary and Theoretical Approaches, pages 187–205. Oxford University Press.
(2015) Wh- Question Formation in Krachi (with Harold Torrence).[23]Journal of African Languages and Linguistics 36: pages 253–285.
(2015) On Prosodic Vacuity and Verbal Resumption in Asante Twi.[24]Linguistic Inquiry 46: pages 243–272.
(2013) Ways of Emphatic Scope Taking: from Emphatic Assertion in Nupe to the Grammar of Emphasis.[25]Lingua 128: pages 51–71.
(2011) How Why is Different: Wh- In-situ in Krachi (with Harold Torrence).[26]Snippets 23: pages 5–6.
(2009) Embracing Edges: Syntactic and Phono-syntactic Edge Sensitivity in Nupe.[27]Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 27: pages 305–344.
(2007) On Fusion and Multiple Copy Spell-Out: The Case of Verbal Repetition.[28] In Norbert Corver and Jairo Nunes (eds.) The Copy Theory of Movement, pages 119–150. John Benjamins Publishing Company.
(2008) Externalization and Emergence: On the Status of Parameters in the Minimalist Program.[29]Biolinguistics 3: pages 94–99.
(2003) On Directionality and the Structure of the Verb Phrase: Evidence from Nupe (with Mark C. Baker).[30]Syntax 6: pages 115–155.
^Kandybowicz, Jason (2013-05-01). "Ways of emphatic scope-taking: From emphatic assertion in Nupe to the grammar of emphasis". Lingua. SI: Polarity emphasis: distribution and locus of licensing. 128: 51–71. doi:10.1016/j.lingua.2012.10.017.
^Kandybowicz, Jason (2009-05-01). "Embracing edges: syntactic and phono-syntactic edge sensitivity in Nupe". Natural Language & Linguistic Theory. 27 (2): 305–344. doi:10.1007/s11049-009-9064-6. ISSN0167-806X. S2CID92992550.
^Kandybowicz, Jason; Baker, Mark C. (2003-08-01). "On Directionality and the Structure of the Verb Phrase: Evidence from Nupe". Syntax. 6 (2): 115–155. doi:10.1111/1467-9612.00058. ISSN1467-9612.