Johann Rasso Januarius Zick (6 February 1730 – 14 November 1797) was a German painter and architect. He is considered to be one of the main masters of the Late-Baroque.
Monastery church St Verena, frescoAbbey church Wiblingen, interiorMonastery church of Elchingen, high altarPresentation of Christ in the Temple, 1765, Städelsches Kunstinstitut
Januarius Zick was born in Munich and began to learn his trade from his father, Johannes Zick, a renowned painter himself, to whom he was apprenticed in order to learn how to paint frescoes. In 1744, when Januarius Zick was fourteen years old, his brother, three years his junior, fell to his death from a scaffolding in Weingarten. From 1745 to 1748, Januarius Zick was apprenticed as a bricklayer to Jakob Emele in Schussenried. Having finished his apprenticeship, he worked, together with his father, at the residence of the Prince-Bishop of Würzburg and then, until the mid-1750s, at the residence of the Prince-Bishop of Speyer in Bruchsal.
In 1756, Januarius Zick went to Paris for further education. There, he came into contact with artists and art connoisseurs from Rome, Basel and Augsburg, who broadened his horizon concerning his art and had a considerable influence on him.
Alois, Harbeck (1966), Die Fresken von Januarius Zick in Wiblingen und die Problematik illusionistischer Deckengestaltung, Diss, Philosophische Fakultät der Universität München.
Kupferschmied, Thomas Johannes (1995), Stucco finto oder der Maler als Stukkator: von Egid Schor bis zu Januarius Zick. Der fingierte Stuck als Leitform der barocken Deckenmalerei in Altbayern, Schwaben und Tirol, Frankfurt am Main: Lang, ISBN3-631-48205-1
Marquart, Eva-Maria (1982), Johann und Januarius Zick: die Gemälde in der Bayerischen Staatsgemäldesammlungen. Ausstellung 10. Dezember 1982 - 20. Februar 1983, München: Neue Pinakothek
Roth, Michael; Reinhardt, Brigitte; Straßer, Josef (1993), Januarius Zick und sein Wirken in Oberschwaben, München: Klinkhardt und Biermann, ISBN3-7814-0343-2
Schlagberger-Simon, Adelheid; Schlagberger, Franz X. (1981), Januarius Zick (1730-1797). Der letzte bürgerliche Großmaler Deutschlands. Fresken, Entwürfe, Tafelbilder, Prüm: Auxilium, ISBN3-924634-02-5
Wandschneider, Andrea (2001), Januarius Zick. Gemälde und Zeichnungen. Ausstellung der Städtischen Galerie in der Reithalle, Paderborn, Paderborn: Städtische Galerie in der Reithalle, Paderborn- Schloß Neuhaus, ISBN3-929507-11-0