Ingenious (2009 American film)
Ingenious (originally titled Lightbulb) is a 2009 American film. It is a rags-to-riches story of two friends, a small-time inventor and a sharky salesman, who hit rock bottom before coming up with a gizmo that becomes a worldwide phenomenon. It is based on the true story of some friends who are trying to come up with an invention, before hitting on an idea. Cast
ProductionThe film was shot on location in Tucson, Arizona and Hong Kong. It premiered at the 2009 Santa Barbara International Film Festival. ReceptionIn 2012, when the film went on release after Renner's success in The Hurt Locker and other films, The Los Angeles Times reviewed it: "the storytelling is wildly uneven, with an off-balance structure that leaves the ending feeling abrupt and rushed. Whatever other Renner B-sides are floating around out there, let’s hope they feel a little more genius than Ingenious."[1] See alsoReferences
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