Idomeneus was described by the chronicler Malalas in his account of the Chronography as "above average height, dark-skinned, good eyes, well set, strong, good nose, thick beard, good head, curly hair, a berserker when fighting".[3]
In Homer's Iliad, Idomeneus is found among the first rank of the Greek generals, leading his troops and engaging the enemy head-on, and escaping serious injury. Idomeneus was one of Agamemnon's trusted advisors. He was one of the primary defenders when most of the other Achaean heroes were injured, and even fought Hector briefly and repulsed his attack.[9] Like most of the other leaders of the Greeks, he is alive and well as the story comes to a close. He was one of the Achaeans to enter the Trojan Horse. Idomeneus killed twenty men and at least three Amazon women, including Bremusa,[10] at Troy.[11]
A later tradition, preserved by Servius the Grammarian in a commentary on Virgil'sAeneid,[12] continues the story as follows: after the war, Idomeneus's ship hit a terrible storm. He promised Poseidon that he would sacrifice the first living thing he saw when he returned home if Poseidon would save his ship and crew. The first living thing was his son, whom Idomeneus duly sacrificed. The gods were angry at Idomeneus's murder of his own son and sent a plague to Crete. The Cretans sent him into exile in Calabria (ancient name of the Salento in Apulia), Italy[13] and then Colophon in Asia Minor where he died.[14] According to Marcus Terrentius Varro, the gens Salentini descended from Idomeneus, who had sailed from Crete to Illyria, and then together with Illyrians and Locrians from Illyria to Salento, see Grecìa Salentina.[15]
Alternatively, in a tradition preserved by Apollodorus, Idomeneus was driven out of Crete by Leucus, his foster son, who had seduced and then killed Idomeneus' wife Meda and usurped the throne of Crete.[16]
The tale is also covered by the French 17th century writer François Fénelon.
Idomeneo, a 1781 opera seria by Mozart, is based on the story of Idomeneus's return to Crete. In this version, Poseidon (Neptune in the opera) spares Idomeneo's son Idamante, on condition that Idomeneo relinquish his throne to the new generation.
The sacrifice of Idomeneus to Jupiter, engraving by W. Skelt Wellcome
Mentor offers Idomeneus an olive branch to Adventures of Telemachus by Jacob Folkema
Telemachus refuses the crown and sceptre of the Cretan by Jacob Folkema
Idomeneus is offered war and peace by Jean-Baptiste Tilliard
Philocles is received amicably by Idomeneus, by Jean-Baptiste Tilliard
Telemachus and Mentor received by Idomeneus, by Jean-Baptiste Tilliard
Timocrates convinces Idomeneus of Philocles ' betrayal by Jean-Baptiste Tilliard
Hegesippus summons Philocles to return at the request of Idomeneus by Jean-Baptiste Tilliard
Mentor shows Idomeneus regulations for the arts and police by Jean-Baptiste Tilliard
Achterberg, Winfried; Best, Jan; Enzler, Kees; Rietveld, Lia; Woudhuizen, Fred, The Phaistos Disc: A Luwian Letter to Nestor, Publications of the Henry Frankfort Foundation vol XIII, Dutch Archeological and Historical Society, Amsterdam 2004.