Huang Yanpei is a Chinese historical television series based on the life of Huang Yanpei, a prominent educator, industrialist and politician who was also one of the founders of the China Democratic League. Directed by Hong Baosheng and Zhao Lei, the series starred Zhang Tielin as the eponymous character. The series was first broadcast on CCTV-8 in China on 27 May 2010.
Around March 2009, when Huang Yanpei was still in production, it elicited strong criticism from Huang Fangyi, one of Huang Yanpei's sons. Huang Fangyi wrote on an online blog that his family members were extremely displeased with the historical inaccuracies and errors in the television series, and that they strongly objected to Zhang Tielin portraying his father on screen. Huang Fangyi elaborated further on these points:
Zhang Tielin's public image and speech patterns – he has a strong Tianjin accent – does not match that of Huang Yanpei. Zhang is known for being a comedy actor so it is unsuitable for him to portray Huang Yanpei, who is known to be a serious man. It is also ironic and disrespectful to allow an actor of non-Chinese citizenship — Zhang became a British citizen in 1997 — to portray Huang Yanpei, who is known for his patriotism.
Huang Yanpei's extramarital affair with Lin Suyu, a fictional character, is an insult to his moral character.
Huang Yanpei was a vegetarian for most of his life but in one scene, he is shown eating maoxuewang.
It is inappropriate for fictional characters such as Zhuang Ziyun and Shang Yimin to play significant roles in Huang Yanpei's life.
The television series does not accurately reflect the struggles in Huang Yanpei's life. Some events in the series are historically inaccurate, such as his contributions to education and the economy. His relationship with the Chinese Communist Party is also inaccurately depicted.
Huang Fangyi mentioned that he had written to the producers, providing suggestions for changes. However, except for some kind words, he did not receive any response from them. He was not satisfied as he felt that the television series had emotionally affected his family, and said that they would continue to remain opposed to it.[1]