He studied and was ordained a Catholic priest in Russia. He was defrocked for alleged offenses, including sexual misconduct, theft and embezzlement, which were later not proven.[1][2] Thereafter he converted to Russian Orthodoxy and joined a religious academy as a student.
He was famous for writing The Talmud and the Jews (Талмуд и евреи), for which the tzar and his officials awarded him.
Political claims
Blood libel
About using Christian Blood by the Jews
His books and his public statements claimed blood libel.[3]
He maintained that Jews wanted to divide Russia among themselves, once they left the Pale of Settlement, furthering the claims laid in the antisemitic works of Osman Bey (pen name of Frederick van Millingen) The Conquest of the World by the Jews,[4] and contributing to the creation of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.[5] In 1904 he directly quoted Pavel Krushevan's version; without revision, but with useful chronological evidence in an updated edition of his The Talmud and the Jews book. (See main article Cesare G. De Michelis about the versions.)
He declared himself to be a Zionist and proposed that "Russia should make any sacrifice to help the Jews settle in Palestine and form an autonomous state of their own".[6]
"The English people are the lost tribes of Israel. The lion of Judah became the emblem of England and the harp of David is to this day the emblem of Ireland.
But not only are the English Kings direct descendants of the Jewish Kings, they even sit on the throne of David, on which all Jewish Kings used to be crowned. The throne is made of the rock on which Jacob slept when he dreamed of the ladder and when God promised him a kingdom. That rock was brought by the prophet Jeremiah to Ireland, whence It was removed first to Scotland and then to London.
North America is settled by the tribe of Manasseh.
The English people in many ways resemble the Jews. Their type is the same, their manner of speech the same, and; above all, the fundamental trait of both nations is trading. Then, the great respect of the English people tor the Bible betrays their kinship to the ancient Israelites."[6]
At the turn of the century, Lutostansky recanted his previous antisemitic views.[7]
Антихрист жидовский миссия он же Чернобог (1912) "Anti-Christ Jewish Messiah - He is the Dark God"
Klier, John D. “German Antisemitism and Russian Judeophobia in the 1880’s: Brothers and Strangers.” Jahrbücher Für Geschichte Osteuropas 37, no. 4 (1989): 524–40. http://www.jstor.org/stable/41052622.