Hickory, Dickory, and Doc
Hickory, Dickory, and Doc are fictional cartoon characters created by Alex Lovy for Walter Lantz Productions. Lovy would feature the trio in three cartoons until his departure in 1960. Jack Hannah would soon feature Doc in his six more cartoons soon afterwards. HistoryAlex Lovy first introduced Hickory, Dickory, and Doc in the 1959 cartoon Space Mouse, in which Doc attempts to sell the mice to NASA as test animals.[1] Lovy's shorts mainly follow the contemporary cat-and-mouse chase formula of the time, with Doc usually failing to catch the more cunning Hickory and Dickory. These cartoons also featured the bulldog character Cecil, who often beats up Doc whenever he falls victim to his failed chases. Lovy would eventually leave Lantz for Hanna-Barbera in 1960, with his role of director soon taken by Jack Hannah. Hannah would continue to use Doc is six more cartoons without Hickory and Dickory, instead pairing him with a loyal bulldog companion named Champ.[2] Hannah's shorts put much enthusiasm on Doc's life as an alley cat, who schemes with Champ to find ways to make a quick buck. Doc and Champ lastly appeared in Corny Concerto (1962) before they were retired. Filmography
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