Memorial to Bishop Henry Robinson in Carlisle Cathedral. The inscription reads:
Henrico Robinsono Carleolensi SS. Theol. Doctori, collegii reginae Oxoniae praeposito providissimo, tandemq. hujus Ecclesiae per annos xviii Episcopo vigilantissimo. xiiio Calend. Julii, anno apartu virginis, 1616, aetat. suae lxiiiio pie in Domino obdormienti. Bernard' Robinsonus frater ac haeres hoc qualecunq. μνημειον, amoris testimonium collocavit.
Non sibi, sed Patriae, praeluxit Lampadis instar, Deperdens oleam, non operam, Ille suam: In minimis fide Servo, majoribus apto, Maxima nunc Domini gaudia adire datur.
To Henry Robinson of Carlisle, Doctor of Sacred Theology, the most provident Provost of The Queen's College, Oxford, and also for 18 years the most vigilant Bishop of this church. On 19th June [13th of the Calends of July] in the year of the virgin birth 1616, in the 64th year of his age, he fell to sleep in the holy Lord. Bernard Robinson his brother and heir placed this memorial, a testimony of his love.
Not from him, but from the nation, the likeness of a light shines, Exhausting its oil, not his labour: In servitude to faith in the least things, as in greater things, He is now permitted to enter upon the greatest joy of the Lord.