Hei no Naka no Biyōshitsu (塀の中の美容室, "Beauty Salon in Prison"), also known as The Depth of the Sky, is a Japanese manga series written by Mina Sakurai and illustrated by Marco Kohinata. It is based on Sakurai's novel of the same title, published in 2018. The manga was serialized in Shogakukan's seinen manga magazine Big Comic from March to May 2020, with its chapters collected in a single tankōbon volumes.
Hei no Naka no Biyōshitsu is Mina Sakurai [ja] and illustrated by Marco Kohinata. It is based on Sakurai novel of the same title, published by Futabasha on September 13, 2018.[1] The series ran in Shogakukan's seinen manga magazine Big Comic from March 25 to May 9, 2020.[2][3] Shogakukan collected its five chapters in a single tankōbon volume, released on August 28, 2020.[4][5]