Wealthy American family
The Hearst family is a wealthy American family based in California. Their fortune was originally earned in the mining industry during the late 19th century under the entrepreneurial leadership of George Hearst . George's son, William Randolph Hearst , subsequently used his father's wealth to build a mass media empire comprising the New York Evening Journal , Cosmopolitan , Good Housekeeping , Town & Country and Harper's Bazaar among others.[ 1] To this day, the Hearst family continues to be involved in the media industry through their ownership and control of the mass media conglomerate, Hearst Communications .
The following is a list of figures who have been closely aligned with or subordinate to the Hearst family.
The following is a non-exhaustive list of media outlets and other businesses in which the Hearst family have held a controlling or otherwise significant interest.
Daily newspapers Weekly newspapers Magazines
United States
Hearst Television (Hearst Media Production Group ) Stations affiliated
Radio stations Entertainment & syndication Business media Marketplaces Real estate and service 1 Owned by Montclair Communications and operated by Hearst under an
2 Carries the network in a secondary status.