Head Lopper is a comic book series created by writer and artist Andrew MacLean, currently published by Image Comics. The story follows the exploits of the Viking warrior Norgal (or "head lopper", as some call him) and the severed head of Agatha the Blue Witch.
Publishing history
Head Lopper originally began as a self-published project by comics creator Andrew MacLean.[1] In 2015 it was picked up for a four-issue miniseries.[2]
The character originated from a piece for Brand New Nostalgia.[3] The theme of the week had been Vikings, and a bearded warrior with a witch's head skewered on his sword was the result.[4]
Self-published issues
Head Lopper #1 debuted at Heroes Con 2013. The first issue was a small print run and thus costly to produce. The second issue was funded via a Kickstarter campaign launched October 10, 2013.[5]
Story Arc
Release Date
Cover Artist
The Island
June 7, 2013
Blood and Water
Andrew MacLean
Mike Spicer
Andrew MacLean
PINUPS: Toby Cypress Brian Churilla Tradd Moore Warwick Johnson-Cadwell James Harren
June 29, 2014
The Wolves of Barra
PINUPS: Mike Mignola and Dave Stewart Joe Dellagatta Michael Avon Oeming Simone D'Armini Max Fiumara Troy Nixey Fillip Acovic Enrique Fernandez Paul Maybury Janusz Pawlak
Image Comics issues
In 2015 Image Comics picked up Head Lopper as a "quarterly adventure comic". The series eschewed the industry standard 22-page monthly issues in favor of a larger issues published quarterly.
… I've decide to release the HEAD LOPPER comic on a quarterly basis because I think a longer book can make a better book. Here's what I want in every issue of HEAD LOPPER: long fights, dark jokes, creepy atmosphere, short plots and long plots, and comfortable conclusions that, hopefully, still leave you wanting more. The standard comic length would make me cut something short.
I'll be able to make it the story I want if i take more pages to tell it, maybe fifty to sixty pages per issue, cover to cover. But I can't pull off that big of an issue on a monthly schedule. So… QUARTERLY! It's for the better…
— Andrew MacLean, author's afterword from Head Lopper #1, September 2015[6]
In April 2016 MacLean announced on various social media channels that Image Comics had picked up Head Lopper for another miniseries in 2017.[7]
Story Arc
Release Date
Cover Artist
The Island
September 9, 2015
Blood and Water
Andrew MacLean
Mike Spicer
Andrew MacLean Rafael Grampá (variant)
PINUPS: Zé Burnay Adam Miller Alexis Ziritt MacKenzie Schubert Lamar Mathurin
The Wolves of Barra
That Which Lurks in the Mist
Andrew MacLean
December 9, 2015
Into the Silent Wood
Andrew MacLean
Mike Spicer
Andrew MacLean Mike and Laura Allred (variant)
PINUPS: Aaron Conley Stephen Green Scarecrowoven Matt Smith
March 9, 2016
The Sisters of the Hill
Andrew MacLean James Stokoe (variant)
PINUPS: Skottie Young Rebecca Kirby James Callahan
June 8, 2016
The Black Bog
Andrew MacLean Gabriel Bá (variant)
PINUPS: J.B. Roe Mike Rooth Mike Spicer Andy Suriano Ben Templesmith
Andrew MacLean Skinner and Alexis Ziritt (variant)
PINUPS: Cliff Rathburn Jason Fischer Jeffrey Alan Love Kyle Meyerdierks Luke Parker Sean Kiernan
Epilogue (TPB)
In the Shadow of the Tower: Part Two
The Knights of Venora
September 12, 2018
Norgal Has a Talking Basket
Andrew MacLean
Jordie Bellaire
Andrew MacLean Alan Brown (variant)
December 12, 2018
From the Lips of Venora
Andrew MacLean Jeanne D'Angelo (variant)
PINUPS: Skam 2 Shadia Amin Ainsley Sturko Luca Vassallo Matt Lesniewski Chris Faccone Diman Kaiman Fran P. Lobato
March 13, 2019
Send the Wizards
Andrew MacLean Al Gofa (variant)
PINUPS: Cam Shepler Chad Lewis Demetrius Dawkins Nerdgore Zach Cunningham
June 26, 2019
The Last Time I Saw Him He Was Covered in Blood
Andrew MacLean Matthew Allison (variant)
Epilogue (TPB)
The Quest for Mulgrid's Stair
September 16, 2020
The Executioner
Andrew MacLean
Jordie Bellaire
Andrew MacLean Daniel Warren Johnson (variant)
December 16, 2020
The Gorgon
Andrew MacLean Tradd Moore (variant)
March 17, 2021
The Mines of Martan
Andrew MacLean Dennis Brown (variant)
July 28, 2021
Of Climbing and Falling
Andrew MacLean Dani (variant)
In October 2019, Norgal and Agatha appeared in two short stories in Rumble Vol. 2 #17. The first, "Belly of Hell", was drawn by Andrew MacLean and the second, "Deceitful Above All Things", was drawn by James Harren. Both stories were written by John Arcudi. The events of these stories are in continuity and referenced in Head Lopper #16. These stories were collected in Rumble – Volume 6: Last Knight[8] and Head Lopper & the Quest for Mulgrid's Stair.[9]
The series follows the adventures of the legendary swordsman Norgal, dubbed the Head Lopper, and his companion, the severed head of Agatha Blue Witch, as they trek across the realm to fulfill their quests, uncovering mysteries whilst encountering friends and foes along the way.
The Kickstarter for the self-published Head Lopper 2: The Wolves of Barra was funded with only 544 backers, but strong word of mouth and reviews led to the series being picked up by Image Comics. The Image Comics incarnation of Head Lopper has had strong reviews since its debut, with MacLean's artwork and sense of humor and Bellaire's coloring receiving consistently high praise.[10]