Harborfields High School is a four-year secondary school located in Greenlawn, New York, United States. It functions as the sole high school for Harborfields Central School District, encompassing the communities of Centerport and Greenlawn along with parts of Huntington and Northport. In 2011, the school was ranked 88th on Newsweek's list of Top 1300 High Schools in America.[2]
The Class of 1960 was the first graduating class, with about 130 graduates from Centerport and Greenlawn only.[citation needed] That first class used the building for four years as it was being completed.[citation needed]
The name Harborfields came from a combination of the older names of Centerport (Little Cow Harbor) and Greenlawn (Old Fields), selected from an entry in a naming contest in about 1958.[citation needed]
Harborfields High School can be seen in Mariah Carey's documentary "Mariah Carey's Homecoming" which aired on December 14, 1999 on Fox.[3][4][5]
Harborfields' sports team is known as the Tornadoes. Its colors are dark green and white.
Harborfields offers the following sports:[6]