In statistical mechanics, the Griffiths inequality, sometimes also called Griffiths–Kelly–Sherman inequality or GKS inequality, named after Robert B. Griffiths, is a correlation inequality for ferromagnetic spin systems. Informally, it says that in ferromagnetic spin systems, if the 'a-priori distribution' of the spin is invariant under spin flipping, the correlation of any monomial of the spins is non-negative; and the two point correlation of two monomial of the spins is non-negative.
The inequality was proved by Griffiths for Ising ferromagnets with two-body interactions,[1] then generalised by Kelly and Sherman to interactions involving an arbitrary number of spins,[2] and then by Griffiths to systems with arbitrary spins.[3] A more general formulation was given by Ginibre,[4] and is now called the Ginibre inequality.
Let be a configuration of (continuous or discrete) spins on a latticeΛ. If A ⊂ Λ is a list of lattice sites, possibly with duplicates, let be the product of the spins in A.
Assign an a-priori measure dμ(σ) on the spins;
let H be an energy functional of the form
The system is called ferromagnetic if, for any list of sites A, JA ≥ 0. The system is called invariant under spin flipping if, for any j in Λ, the measure μ is preserved under the sign flipping map σ → τ, where
Statement of inequalities
First Griffiths inequality
In a ferromagnetic spin system which is invariant under spin flipping,
for any list of spins A.
Second Griffiths inequality
In a ferromagnetic spin system which is invariant under spin flipping,
for any lists of spins A and B.
The first inequality is a special case of the second one, corresponding to B = ∅.
Observe that the partition function is non-negative by definition.
Proof of first inequality: Expand
where nA(j) stands for the number of times that j appears in A. Now, by invariance under spin flipping,
if at least one n(j) is odd, and the same expression is obviously non-negative for even values of n. Therefore, Z<σA>≥0, hence also <σA>≥0.
Proof of second inequality. For the second Griffiths inequality, double the random variable, i.e. consider a second copy of the spin, , with the same distribution of . Then
Introduce the new variables
The doubled system is ferromagnetic in because is a polynomial in with positive coefficients
Besides the measure on is invariant under spin flipping because is.
Finally the monomials , are polynomials in with positive coefficients
The first Griffiths inequality applied to gives the result.
Let A be a set of real functions on Γ such that. for every f1,f2,...,fn in A, and for any choice of signs ±,
Then, for any f,g,−h in the convex cone generated by A,
Now the inequality follows from the assumption and from the identity
To recover the (second) Griffiths inequality, take Γ = {−1, +1}Λ, where Λ is a lattice, and let μ be a measure on Γ that is invariant under sign flipping. The cone A of polynomials with positive coefficients satisfies the assumptions of the Ginibre inequality.
The thermodynamic limit of the correlations of the ferromagnetic Ising model (with non-negative external field h and free boundary conditions) exists.
This is because increasing the volume is the same as switching on new couplings JB for a certain subset B. By the second Griffiths inequality
Hence is monotonically increasing with the volume; then it converges since it is bounded by 1.
The one-dimensional, ferromagnetic Ising model with interactions displays a phase transition if .
This property can be shown in a hierarchical approximation, that differs from the full model by the absence of some interactions: arguing as above with the second Griffiths inequality, the results carries over the full model.[7]
The Ginibre inequality provides the existence of the thermodynamic limit for the free energy and spin correlations for the two-dimensional classical XY model.[4] Besides, through Ginibre inequality, Kunz and Pfister proved the presence of a phase transition for the ferromagnetic XY model with interaction if .
Aizenman and Simon[8] used the Ginibre inequality to prove that the two point spin correlation of the ferromagnetic classical XY model in dimension , coupling and inverse temperature is dominated by (i.e. has upper bound given by) the two point correlation of the ferromagneticIsing model in dimension , coupling , and inverse temperature
Hence the critical of the XY model cannot be smaller than the double of the critical of the Ising model
in dimension D = 2 and coupling J = 1, this gives
There exists a version of the Ginibre inequality for the Coulomb gas that implies the existence of thermodynamic limit of correlations.[9]
Other applications (phase transitions in spin systems, XY model, XYZ quantum chain) are reviewed in.[10]