The Green Party of Colorado first attempted to qualify for statewide ballot status in 1994. While the party was unsuccessful in gaining ballot access, the party did qualify for Qualified Political Organization status. This made it possible to register as a Green in Colorado.
The Green Party of Colorado qualified for statewide ballot status in July 1998 and has retained its ballot status ever since.[3]
In the 2006 mid-term elections, Tom Kelly running for U.S. House of Representatives District 1 received 20.2% of the vote, the best finish of any Green running for Congress in 2006.[4]
In 2016, the party's candidate for president was Dr. Jill Stein.[5]
Elected officials
Current public officeholders:
Tim Barnes, City Council, Lafayette
Bryan Williams, Director School Board District R-1, Ouray County
Becky Elder, Councillor, City of Manitou Springs
Former public officeholders:
Art Goodtimes, Board of Commissioners (San Miguel County)
Scott Chaplin, Board of Trustees, Carbondale
Jeffery Bergeron, Town Council, Breckenridge (Summit County)
Wendy Mimiaga, Town Board, Dolores (Cortez County)
Matt Keefauver, Town Council, Cortez (Montezuma County)
Charlie Green, School Board, District E, Fremont RE-3
Peter Gleichman, Mayor, Ward, CO (Boulder County)
Tanya Ishikawa, Federal Heights City Council, Ward I
Michelle Haynes, Town Board, Norwood
Andrea Mérida Cuéllar, Denver Board of Education, Denver Public Schools District 2
aAs of January 2021, the original GPAK is no longer affiliated to the GPUS, following disagreements with the national party during the 2020 presidential election bAs of July 2021, the original GGP is no longer affiliated to the GPUS, following disagreements over amendments passed in the GGP party platform cAs of December 2020, the original GPRI is no longer affiliated to the GPUS, following disagreements with the national party during the 2020 presidential election