If is a stationary ergodic process, then converges almost surely to The Glivenko–Cantelli theorem gives a stronger mode of convergence than this in the iid case.
For simplicity, consider a case of continuous random variable . Fix such that for . Now for all there exists such that .
Since by strong law of large numbers, we can guarantee that for any positive and any integer such that , we can find such that for all , we have . Combined with the above result, this further implies that , which is the definition of almost sure convergence.
Empirical measures
One can generalize the empirical distribution function by replacing the set by an arbitrary set C from a class of sets to obtain an empirical measure indexed by sets
where is the empirical measure, is the corresponding map, and
assuming that it exists.
A class is called a Glivenko–Cantelli class (or GC class, or sometimes strong GC class) with respect to a probability measure P if
almost surely as
A class is a weak Glivenko-Cantelli class with respect to P if it instead satisfies the weaker condition
in probability as
A class is called a universal Glivenko–Cantelli class if it is a GC class with respect to any probability measure on .
A class is a weak uniform Glivenko–Cantelli class if the convergence occurs uniformly over all probability measures on : For every ,
A class is a (strong) uniform Glivenko-Cantelli class if it satisfies the stronger condition that for every ,
Glivenko–Cantelli classes of functions (as well as their uniform and universal forms) are defined similarly, replacing all instances of with .
The weak and strong versions of the various Glivenko-Cantelli properties often coincide under certain regularity conditions. The following definition commonly appears in such regularity conditions:
A class of functions is image-admissible Suslin if there exists a Suslin space and a surjection such that the map is measurable .
A class of measurable sets is image-admissible Suslin if the class of functions is image-admissible Suslin, where denotes the indicator function for the set .
The following two theorems give sufficient conditions for the weak and strong versions of the Glivenko-Cantelli property to be equivalent.
Suppose that a function class is bounded. Also suppose that the set is image-admissible Suslin. Then is a weak uniform Glivenko-Cantelli class if and only if it is a strong uniform Glivenko-Cantelli class.
The following theorem is central to statistical learning of binary classification tasks.
Under certain consistency conditions, a universally measurable class of sets is a uniform Glivenko-Cantelli class if and only if it is a Vapnik–Chervonenkis class.
There exist a variety of consistency conditions for the equivalence of uniform Glivenko-Cantelli and Vapnik-Chervonenkis classes. In particular, either of the following conditions for a class suffice:[9]
is image-admissible Suslin.
is universally separable: There exists a countable subset of such that each set can be written as the pointwise limit of sets in .
Let and . The classical Glivenko–Cantelli theorem implies that this class is a universal GC class. Furthermore, by Kolmogorov's theorem,
, that is is uniformly Glivenko–Cantelli class.
Let P be a nonatomic probability measure on S and be a class of all finite subsets in S. Because , , , we have that and so is not a GC class with respect to P.
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