Georges Poisson (27 November 1924 – 14 May 2022) was a French art historian.
Poisson was born in Düsseldorf on 27 November 1924. A nephew of demographer Alfred Sauvy, and journalist Titaÿna, Georges Poisson was the son of journalist Claude Salvy (Marie-Madeleine Sauvy).
A curator of the musée de l'Île-de-France [fr] at château de Sceaux from 1948, Georges Poisson developed there the collections, created a documentation center, an educational service, organized exhibitions and concerts.[1] At the same time, he carried out reorganization missions to the museums of Meudon (where the organization of the rooms was rethought,[2]), Courbevoie, Dourdan, Blaye, etc. He was the initiator of the gift of bibliophile André Desguines's library to the department of Hauts-de-Seine.[3]
1976: Les musées de France, PUF, series "Que sais-je"
1977: Cette curieuse famille d’Orléans
1977: Donation André Dunoyer de Segonzac (1965), in collaboration with Maddy Ariès
1980: Histoire des grands boulevards, (prix de l’Académie française)
1981: Histoire et histoires de Sceaux, preface by Georges Duhamel
1981: À la recherche des châteaux perdus, preface by Duchess de La Rochefoucauld
1982: Charenton-le-Pont, 5000 ans d’histoire, preface by Alain Griotteray [fr]
1983: Dix siècles à Montfort l’Amaury, in collaboration with M.H. Hadrot, preface by Jacques de Lacretelle, (prix Georges Goyau; prix de l’Académie française).[6]
1984: L’Essonne dans la Seine-et-Oise d’autrefois
1985: Les Hauts-de-Seine, 60 ans avant leur naissance
1986: Choderlos de Laclos ou l'obstination, Éd. Grasset et Fasquelle, (prix Goncourt de la biographie)
1986: Le duc de Saint-Simon (seigneur de La Ferté-Vidame) et le Perche, Éd. des Amis du Perche [fr]
1987: La curieuse histoire du Vésinet, preface by Alain Decaux