A gauge symmetry of a Lagrangian is defined as a differential operator on some vector bundle taking its values in the linear space of (variational or exact) symmetries of . Therefore, a gauge symmetry of
depends on sections of and their partial derivatives.[1] For instance, this is the case of gauge symmetries in classical field theory.[2]Yang–Mills gauge theory and gauge gravitation theory exemplify classical field theories with gauge symmetries.[3]
Gauge symmetries possess the following two peculiarities.
Being Lagrangian symmetries, gauge symmetries of a Lagrangian satisfy Noether's first theorem, but the corresponding conserved current takes a particular superpotential form where the first term vanishes on solutions of the Euler–Lagrange equations and the second one is a boundary term, where is called a superpotential.[4]
Note that, in quantum field theory, a generating functional may fail to be invariant under gauge transformations, and gauge symmetries are replaced with the BRST symmetries, depending on ghosts and acting both on fields and ghosts.[6]
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