Garasu no Usagi (ガラスのうさぎ, The Glass Rabbit) is a Japanese autobiographical novel by Toshiko Takagi, who lost her sister and mother in the Great Tokyo Air Raid and saw her father killed by P-51 Mustang before her eyes at Ninomiya Station when she was 13 years old.[1] As of 2018, the original novel has sold more than 2.4 million copies in Japan.[2] It was translated into German, Spanish, Hungarian and other languages.[3] It was adapted into a live-action film in 1979, a television drama series in 1980 and an anime film in 2005.
Live-action film
The live action film, titled Tokyo Air Raid Glass Rabbit (東京大空襲 ガラスのうさぎ), is directed by Yūten Tachibana and was released on July 14, 1979.[4]
TV series
The television drama series has 15 episodes and was broadcast on NHK from August 18 to September 5, 1980.[5]