Gabriel Fragnière (4 March 1934 – 9 September 2015) was a Swiss university professor, philosopher and scientific researcher.
Gabriel Fragnière
Fragnière was born in Lausanne. He graduated in Philosophy at the University of Lausanne. He continued with a postgraduate at the College of Europe in Bruges (1959–1960) and became assistant to the rector and director of studies at the College (1961–1966). He then went to the United States and studied during two years the history of religions (1966–1968). In 1993 he obtained his doctorate in philosophy at the University of Maastricht.
Fragnière's career has been entirely devoted to European matters, including domains of education, professional training, university cooperation and social policies. He has been
editor of the European Journal of Education (previously Paedagogica Europea), 1973–1980.
founder and first general secretary of the Société Européenne pour la Formation des Ingénieurs, 1973–1980, and of the Association for Teacher Education in Europe, 1976–1980.
director of the Centre Européen Travail et Société , Maastricht, 1980–1991
director of the EUROTECNET programme of the European Community.
founder of Presses Interuniversitaires Européennes (P.I.E), 1985 (taken over by Peter Lang in 1999).
L’homme et la vie, Biologie contemporaine et éthique, Paris, 1978.
(with Kaj Doorten), Employment and youth policy, European Centre for Work & Society, 1983.
Égalité des chances et formation professionnelle : Résultat de l'analyse comparative de sept rapports nationaux portant sur les programmes de formation professionnelle des femmes en entreprise, juillet 1982, Office des publications officielles des Communautés européennes, 1984.
The Future of Work: Challenge and Opportunity, Van Gorcum Ltd, 1984.
Formation et condition humaine au XXIe siècle, PIE, 1991 (translated in Catalan).
(with George Spyropoulos), Work and Social Policies in the New Europe, PIE, 1991.
L’obligation morale et l’éthique de la prospérité, thèse de doctorat, Collection « Philosophie et Politique » N° 2, PIE, 1993.
Stefan Zweig… ou espérer l’Europe et en mourir, Portraits d’Européens, PIE, 1993.
Towards a competent Europe,European Interuniversity Press, 1993.
L'Europe des compétences, European Interuniversity Press, 1993.
L'Obligation Morale et l' Éthique De La prospérité - Le Retour Du Sujet Responsable, Presses Universitaires Européennes, 1993.
Walter Hallstein… ou une pédagogie politique pour la fédération européenne, Portraits d’européens, PIE, 1995.
La certitude et l’action. L’intuition est-elle une connaissance transmissible?, PIE, 1998.
(with Peter Chidi Okuma), Towards an African Theology: The Igbo Context in Nigeria, P.I.E.-Peter Lang, 2002.
Le Chemin et le Regard, La Renaissance du Livre, 2004.
(with Karel Dobbelaere), Secularization: An Analysis at Three Levels, European Interuniversity Press, 2005.
La religion et le pouvoir. La chrétienté, l’Occident et la démocratie, PIE - Peter Lang, Collection : « Dieux, Hommes et religions », N° 6, 2005 & 2006, (translated in Italian, La religione e il potere, La cristianità, l’Occidente e la democrazia, Edizioni Dehoniane Bologna », 2008).
Hendrik Brugmans. Building Europe by educating Europeans, Madariaga Foundation, Brussels, 2006.
(with Mark Dubrulle), Identités Culturelles Et Citoyenneté Européenne: Diversité Et Unité Dans La Construction Democratique De L’Europe, Peter Lang, 2008.