The referral lies from interlocutory decision T 1145/09[2] by Technical Board of Appeal 3.5.03, who referred two questions to the Enlarged Board.
The first question was:
Is a patent proprietor's request for correction of the grant decision under Rule 140 EPC which was filed after the initiation of opposition proceedings admissible? In particular, should the absence of a time limit in Rule 140 EPC be interpreted such that a correction under Rule 140 EPC of errors in decisions can be made at any time?
The second question was:
If such a request is considered to be admissible, does the examining division have to decide on this request in ex parte proceedings in a binding manner so that the opposition division is precluded from examining whether the correction decision amounts to an unallowable amendment of the granted patent?
In its answer to the first question, the Enlarged Board of Appeal ruled that "since Rule 140EPC is not available to correct the text of a patent, a patent proprietor's request for such a correction is inadmissible whenever made, including after the initiation of opposition proceedings." In its answer to the second question, it ruled that "in view of the answer to the first referred question, the second referred question requires no answer."
Legal Research Service for the Boards of Appeal, European Patent Office, Case Law of the Boards of Appeal of the EPO (10th edition, July 2022), ii.e.4.5 : "Correction of errors in the description, claims and drawings after grant, and in opposition proceedings"
G 1/07 (Treatment by surgery/MEDI-PHYSICS), G 2/08 (Dosage regime/ABBOTT RESPIRATORY), G 3/08 (Programs for computers), G 1/09 (Pending application/SONY), G 2/10 (Disclaimer/SCRIPPS), G 1/10 (Request to correct patent/FISHER-ROSEMOUNT), G 1/11 (Non-refund of further search fees/BAUER), G 1/12, G 1/13, G 2/12 and G 2/13 (Tomatoes II and Broccoli II), Art. 23 1/15, Art. 23 2/15, Art. 23 1/16, G 1/15 (Partial priority), G 2/19 (Right to be heard and correct venue for oral proceedings)
2020 – 2029
G 1/19 (Pedestrian simulation), G 1/21 (Oral proceedings by videoconference)