Ferrous (film)
Ferrous[1] is an Indian crime drama feature film written, directed and produced by writer/director Shaurya Singh under his banner Silver Rain Pictures in collaboration with Amrit Sinha of Tanay Films International. Ferrous was premiered at RTF 2018, an International Film Festival held at Lagos, Nigeria in July 2018, in front of a packed International audience where it was judged Best Foreign Film.[2] The film was later adapted to become a series and premiered on OTT platform Ullu[3][4] in Feb 2022. PlotSet in the current day Mumbai, the film is a crime drama. Ferrous is a non-linear screenplay film in which rather than pushing and pulling the film in past and present, the whole structure of the film is non-linear. The audience has to perceive the film and join the dots of the story in order to comprehend the complete set of events in sequential order. Cast
ProductionThe pre-production of the film was started in October 2017 and the production completed in March 2018. The film is extensively shot in Mumbai . Accolades