The Federal University of Rio Grande (Portuguese: Universidade Federal do Rio Grande, FURG)[1] is a public Brazilian university funded by the Brazilian federal government, located in the city of Rio Grande, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.
Formally established on October 21, 1969, it includes 18 departments providing 31 different undergraduate courses, as well as a number of graduate programs.
FURG provides five different types of degree: undergraduate (bachelor, teaching, and technology), graduate's specialization, residency (for undergraduate courses, such as medicine, teaching courses, nursing, and law), master's degree, and doctoral degree.[2]
Biological science – both bachelor's degree and teaching degree
Chemical engineering – bachelor's degree
Chemistry – both bachelor's degree and teaching degree
Civil engineering – bachelor's degree
Civil engineering and management – bachelor's degree
Port civil engineering – Bachelor's degree
Computer engineering – bachelor's degree
Cooperative management – technology degree
Economics – bachelor's degree
Environmental management – technology degree
Environmental toxicology – technology degree
Events – technology degree
Exact sciences – teaching degree
Field education – teaching degree
Food engineering – bachelor's degree
Geography – both bachelor's degree and teaching degree
History – both bachelor's degree and teaching degree
Hotel management – bachelor's degree
Information systems – bachelor's degree
International relations – bachelor's degree
International trade – bachelor's degree
Spanish, French or English – teaching degree
Library science – bachelor's degree
Mathematics – teaching degree
Mechanical engineering – bachelor's degree
Mechanical engineering and management – bachelor's degree
Medicine – bachelor's degree
Naval mechanical engineering – bachelor's degree
Nursing – bachelor's degree
Oceanology – bachelor's degree
Pedagogy – teaching degree
Physical education – teaching degree
Physics – both bachelor's degree and teaching degree
Production engineering – bachelor's degree
Psychology – bachelor's degree
Sciencies – teaching degree
Tourism – bachelor's degree
Visual arts – both bachelor's degree and teaching degree
Master's and doctoral degrees
FURG teaching the following master's and doctoral degrees in two different campi (located in the following cities: Rio Grande, Brazil|Rio Grande and Santo Antônio da Patrulha):
Accounting sciences – master's degree
Administration – master's degree
Agroindustrial systems and processes – master's degree
Applied economics – master's degree
Aquaculture – master's and doctoral degree
Biological oceanography – master's and doctoral degree
Biology of continental aquatic environments – master's and doctoral degree
Chemical engineering – master's degree
Coastal management – master's degree
Computational modeling – master's and doctoral degree
Computer engineering – master's degree
Education – master's degree
Environmental education – master's and doctoral degree
Exact sciences teaching – master's degree
Food science and engineering – master's and doctoral degree
Geography – master's degree
Health sciences – master's and doctoral degree
History – master's degree
Law and social justice – master's degree
Letters – master's and doctoral degree
Mathematics – master's degree
Mechanical engineering – master's degree
Nursing – master's and doctoral degree
Ocean engineering – master's degree
Oceanology – master's and doctoral degree
Physics – master's degree
Physics teaching – master's degree
Physiological sciences – master's and doctoral degree
Public health – master's degree
Science education – master's and doctoral degree
Technological and environmental chemistry – master's and doctoral degree