Extremely Unique Dynamic is a 2024 American stoner meta-comedy film written and directed by Katherine Dudas, Ivan Leung, and Harrison Xu, and starring Leung and Xu. It premiered at the Sonoma International Film Festival on March 21, 2024, and was released theatrically on January 10, 2025.
Longtime best friends Danny and Ryan are spending the weekend together before Ryan moves to Edmonton, Alberta. They decide to make a movie about making a movie that stars two friends who are making a movie.[3][4]
Ivan Leung and Harrison Xu wrote and directed the film, and also star in it, each playing three roles. They formed the production company Heroic Impact to make the film, which is both of their feature filmmaking debuts.[3][5] It is the second feature film for the film's third co-writer and co-director, Katherine Dudas (after her 2022 feature debut Juniper).[3] The film was produced by Leung, Xu, and Noel Do-Murakami.[3]
Leung and Xu wrote the screenplay in a month, and started filming about three weeks later. They shot the film in five days, often with two cameras, and later did several days of reshoots.[6][7] They self-financed the film.[7]
The film premiered at the Sonoma International Film Festival on March 21, 2024.[3] On June 19, 2024, it was announced that North American rights had been acquired by Strand Releasing.[8] The film was released in the United States on January 10, 2025.[9] It made $38,207 from a single theater in its opening weekend.[10][11]