Wet form: Male. Upper-side pale yellow, basal areas slightly irrorated with grey-black scales. Fore-wing with a broad vinescent-black outer marginal band, which curves from middle of the costa to upper median, below which it is sinuated to lower median, its posterior end being deeply excavated to the angle. Hind-wing with a distinctly defined black slender complete band; and a salmon-coloured patch of matted scales between the costal and sub-costal vein. Underside paler yellow, unmarked, except that a very faint indication of marginal dots and a small upper discocellular streak on both wings, and a dot above the cell and discal transverse streaks on hind-wing. Fore-wing with a sub-basal oval patch of compactly matted salmon-coloured scales, which extend below and partly above the basal portion of the median vein. Female. Upper-side paler yellow. Fore-wing with the outer band somewhat broader. Hind-wing with the band broader anteriorly and complete; no costal patch. Underside as in male. No sub-basal patch of salmon-coloured scales.
Dry form: Male. Upper-side. Fore-wing with the band similar to the wet form, its posterior end more excavated. Underside with the ordinary markings more apparent. Female. Upper-side. Fore-wing with the posterior end of the band obsolescent. Hind-wing with the band posteriorly narrower and more or less broken. Underside as in the male.
Gaonkar, Harish (1996). Butterflies of the Western Ghats, India (including Sri Lanka) - A Biodiversity Assessment of a Threatened Mountain System. Bangalore, India: Centre for Ecological Sciences.
Gay, Thomas; Kehimkar, Isaac David; Punetha, Jagdish Chandra (1992). Common Butterflies of India. Nature Guides. Bombay, India: World Wide Fund for Nature-India by Oxford University Press. ISBN978-0195631647.