The investment strategy of the fund has been explained in a New Yorker article.[6] One of Empirica's funds, Empirica Kurtosis LLC, was reported to have made a 56.86% return in 2000 followed by returns of -8.39% in 2001, -13.81% in 2002, and -3.92% in 2003, according to an investor letter.[7][8]
Taleb has stated that he shut down Empirica LLC, in 2005 to become a "writer and a scholar".[3][9][10] At the time he also "feared he might have a recurrence of throat cancer."[9][11]
In 2007 Spitznagel founded the firm Universa Investments L.P. with Taleb as an adviser using black swan portfolio hedging strategies similar to Empirica's.[10][12]