El Bar Provoca was a reality show following events in a bar, or nightclub. The show follows 13 contestants, watched 24 hours, while they live in El Depa (The Apartment). It was hosted through the first month by Roberto Palazuelos as El Patrón (The Boss). It was later hosted by Roxana Castellanos as La Patrona (The Patroness). Other hosts included Karla Gómez and Elías Chiprut (The Access Bar) and Lorena Herrera as La Dama de la Noche (The Lady of the Night). The show has since ended.
Season 1
The first and only season of El Bar Provoca premiered on August 2, 2006. Through the first month, Roberto Palazuelos was the main host of the show. After this month, the main host was changed due to conflicts inside Televisa. The new hosts were Roxana Castellanos and Lorena Herrera.
Los Socios
Los Socios (The Partners) is a group of two people in charge of judging the participants according to their work done. They included Mario Beteta and Jorge Mondragón. The main partner was Enrique Rocha, an actor who entered the show after the change of hosts.
Los Consejeros
Los Consejeros (The Counselors) were a group of four people that provided opinions to help El Patrón to make choices about many different events during the show. They consisted of Erich Zinser, Eduardo Cesarmann, Jorge Ramos and Simón Charaf.
Round 1
Round 2
Round 3
Round 4
Round 5
Round 6
Piter Punk
Azucena |
La Coyota |
No Nominate |
No Nominate |
No Nominate |
No Nominate |
Winner (Day 85)
Ibelis |
La Coyota |
No Nominate |
Nominated |
No Nominate |
Nominated |
Runner-Up (Day 85)
La Britni
Ibelis |
Piter Punk |
Nominated |
No Nominate |
No Nominate |
Nominated |
3rd Place (Day 85)
Azucena |
La Coyota |
No Nominate |
No Nominate |
No Nominate |
No Nominate |
[clarification needed]th Place (Day 85)
Ibelis |
Piter Punk |
No Nominate |
No Nominate |
No Nominate |
No Nominate |
[clarification needed]th Place (Day 85)
La Coyota
Ibelis |
Piter Punk |
No Nominate |
Nominated |
Nominated |
No Nominate |
th[clarification needed] Place (Day 85)
Azucena |
La Coyota |
No Nominate |
No Nominate |
No Nominate |
Nominated |
Evicted (Day 71)
La Coyota |
La Coyota |
No Nominate |
No Nominate |
Nominated |
Evicted (Day 64)
Azucena |
La Coyota |
Nominated |
Nominated |
Evicted (Day 50)
Azucena |
La Coyota |
Nominated |
Evicted (Day 33)
Azucena |
La Coyota |
Evicted (Day 43)
Azucena |
La Coyota |
Walked (Day 36)
Ibelis |
Evicted (Day 15)
None |
Mariana |
1st Nominated (By Customers)
Arizaleta |
Ulises |
Ulises |
Préstamo |
Alexis |
2nd Nominated (by Bar Manager)
Tita |
La Britni |
Préstamo |
Villegas |
2nd Nominated (by 1st Nominated)
None |
La Coyota |
3rd Nominated (by Contestants)
Azucena (7 votes) |
La Coyota (9 votes) |
3rd Nominated (by 1st & 2nd Nominated)
None |
La Britni |
La Coyota |
Tita 19.83% to save
Eviction Cancelled
Ibelis (by Bar Manager)
Préstamo ??% to save
Alexis ??% to save
Nico ??% to save
? ??% (out of 6)
? ??% (out of 6)
? ??% (out of 6)
La Britni ??% (out of 3)
Ulises ??% to save
Villegas ??% (out of 3)
Piter Punk ??% (out of 3)
External links