Genus of flies
Dorylomorpha is a genus of flies belonging to the family Pipunculidae .[ 3]
The species of this genus are found in Eurasia and the Americas.[ 3]
Dorylomorpha abdochaetus Kapoor, Grewal & Sharma, 1987 [ 4]
Dorylomorpha abdoflavus Kapoor, Grewal & Sharma, 1987 [ 4]
Dorylomorpha aberrans Albrecht, 1990 [ 5]
Dorylomorpha aczeli Hardy , 1947[ 6]
Dorylomorpha alaskensis Albrecht, 1990 [ 5]
Dorylomorpha albitarsis (Zetterstedt , 1844) [ 7]
Dorylomorpha albrechti Kuznetzov, 1993 [ 8]
Dorylomorpha amurensis Albrecht, 1990 [ 5]
Dorylomorpha anderssoni Albrecht, 1979 [ 9]
Dorylomorpha appendiculata Kapoor, Grewal & Sharma, 1987 [ 4]
Dorylomorpha asiatica Kuznetzov, 1992 [ 10]
Dorylomorpha atramontensis (Banks, 1911)
Dorylomorpha beckeri (Aczél, 1939) [ 11]
Dorylomorpha borealis (Wahlgren, 1910) [ 12]
Dorylomorpha burmanica Albrecht, 1990 [ 5]
Dorylomorpha canadensis Hardy , 1943[ 13]
Dorylomorpha caudelli (Malloch , 1912) [ 14]
Dorylomorpha clavata Albrecht, 1979 [ 9]
Dorylomorpha clavifemora Coe, 1966 [ 15]
Dorylomorpha clavipes Kuznetzov, 1993 [ 8]
Dorylomorpha confracta Kuznetzov, 1993 [ 8]
Dorylomorpha confusa (Verrall , 1901) [ 16]
Dorylomorpha dispar Albrecht, 1990 [ 5]
Dorylomorpha exilis (Malloch , 1912) [ 14]
Dorylomorpha extricata (Collin , 1937) [ 17]
Dorylomorpha extricatoides Albrecht, 1990 [ 5]
Dorylomorpha fennica Albrecht, 1979 [ 9]
Dorylomorpha flavolateralis Albrecht, 1990 [ 5]
Dorylomorpha flavomaculata (Hough, 1899) [ 18]
Dorylomorpha flavoscutellaris Albrecht, 1990 [ 5]
Dorylomorpha fulvitarsis Albrecht, 1990 [ 5]
Dorylomorpha hackmani Albrecht, 1979 [ 9]
Dorylomorpha haemorrhoidalis (Zetterstedt , 1838) [ 19]
Dorylomorpha hardyi Albrecht, 1990 [ 5]
Dorylomorpha hungarica (Aczél, 1939) [ 1]
Dorylomorpha imparata (Collin , 1937) [ 17]
Dorylomorpha improvisa Albrecht, 1990 [ 5]
Dorylomorpha incognita (Verrall , 1901) [ 16]
Dorylomorpha indica Albrecht, 1990 [ 5]
Dorylomorpha infirmata (Collin , 1937) [ 17]
Dorylomorpha insulana Kuznetzov, 1993 [ 8]
Dorylomorpha kambaitiensis Albrecht, 1990 [ 5]
Dorylomorpha karelica Albrecht, 1979 [ 9]
Dorylomorpha koreana Albrecht, 1990 [ 5]
Dorylomorpha kurodakensis Morakote & Yano, 1990 [ 20]
Dorylomorpha kuznetzovi Kuznetzova, 1992 [ 21]
Dorylomorpha laeta (Becker , 1900) [ 22]
Dorylomorpha laticlavia Kuznetzov, 1993 [ 8]
Dorylomorpha latifrons Hardy , 1972[ 23]
Dorylomorpha lautereri Albrecht, 1990 [ 5]
Dorylomorpha lenkoi Hardy , 1965[ 24]
Dorylomorpha maculata (Walker , 1834) [ 25]
Dorylomorpha malaisei Albrecht, 1990 [ 5]
Dorylomorpha mongolorum Kuznetzov, 1992 [ 10]
Dorylomorpha montivaga (Hardy , 1943) [ 13]
Dorylomorpha neglecta Albrecht, 1990 [ 5]
Dorylomorpha occidens (Hardy , 1939) [ 26]
Dorylomorpha onegensis Albrecht, 1990 [ 5]
Dorylomorpha orientalis Albrecht, 1990 [ 5]
Dorylomorpha platystylis Albrecht, 1979 [ 9]
Dorylomorpha praetermissa Albrecht, 1979 [ 9]
Dorylomorpha rectitermina Morakote & Yano, 1990 [ 20]
Dorylomorpha reveloi Hardy , 1962[ 27]
Dorylomorpha rufipes (Meigen , 1824) [ 2]
Dorylomorpha sachalinensis Albrecht, 1990 [ 5]
Dorylomorpha semiclavata Albrecht, 1990 [ 5]
Dorylomorpha shatalkini Albrecht, 1990 [ 5]
Dorylomorpha similis Albrecht, 1990 [ 5]
Dorylomorpha simplex Albrecht, 1990 [ 5]
Dorylomorpha sinensis Xu & Yang, 1991 [ 28]
Dorylomorpha spinosa Albrecht, 1979 [ 9]
Dorylomorpha spinulosa Kuznetzov, 1993 [ 8]
Dorylomorpha stelviana Kehlmaier, 2008 [ 29]
Dorylomorpha stenozona Hardy , 1972[ 23]
Dorylomorpha subclavata Albrecht, 1990 [ 5]
Dorylomorpha tanasijtshuki Albrecht, 1990 [ 5]
Dorylomorpha translucens (Meijere , 1914)
Dorylomorpha tridentata Hardy , 1943[ 13]
Dorylomorpha ussuriana Kuznetzov, 1993 [ 8]
Dorylomorpha valida Morakote & Yano, 1990 [ 20]
Dorylomorpha xanthocera (Kowarz , 1887) [ 30]
Dorylomorpha xanthopus (Thomson , 1870) [ 31]
Dorylomorpha yamagishii Morakote & Yano, 1990 [ 20]
Dorylomorpha yanoi Morakote & Yano, 1990 [ 20]
^ a b Aczél, M.L. (1939). "Das System der Familie Dorylaidae. Dorylaiden-Studien I". Zoologischer Anzeiger . 125 : 15– 23.
^ a b Meigen, J.W. (1824). Systematische Beschreibung der bekannten europäische n zweiflugeligen Insekten . Hamm: Vierter Theil. Schulz-Wundermann. pp. xii + 428 pp., pls. 33–41.
^ a b "Dorylomorpha Aczel, 1939" . . Retrieved 24 February 2021 .
^ a b c Kapoor, V.C.; Grewal, J.S.; Sharma, S.K. (1987). Indian pipunculids (Diptera: Pipunculidae) . New Delhi: Atlantic Publ. p. 201.
^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z Albrecht, Anders (1990). "Revision, phylogeny and classification of the genus Dorylomorpha (Diptera, Pipunculidae)". Acta Zoologica Fennica . 188 : 1– 250.
^ Hardy, D.E. (1947). "Notes and descriptions of Dorilaidae (Pipunculidae-Diptera)". Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society . 20 : 146– 153, 1 pl.
^ Zetterstedt, J.W. (1844). "Diptera Scandinaviae disposita et descripta". Tomus Tertius . Officina Lundbergiana, Lundae [= Lund.]: 895– 1280.
^ a b c d e f g Kuznetzov, S.Y. (1993). "New species of Dorylomorpha (Pipunculidae, Diptera) from West Siberia and the Far East". Dipterological Research . 4 : 49– 68.
^ a b c d e f g h Albrecht, A. (1979). "Descriptions of seven new Dorylomorpha Aczél species from Europe (Diptera: Pipunculidae)". Entomologica Scandinavica . 10 (3): 211– 218. doi :10.1163/187631279794814986 .
^ a b Kuznetzov, S.Y. (1992). "New species of Dorylomorpha (Diptera, Pipunculidae) from Mongolia". Dipterological Research . 3 : 41– 46.
^ Aczél, M.L. (1939). "Die Untergattung Dorylomorpha m. von Tomosvaryella m. (Doryl. Stud. 2)". Zoologischer Anzeiger . 125 ((3-4)): 49– 69.
^ Wahlgren, E. (1910). "Zur kenntnis schwedischer Dipteren. II". Entomologisk Tidskrift . 31 : 28– 34.
^ a b c Hardy, D.E. (1943). "A revision of Nearctic Dorilaidae (Pipunculidae)" . Kansas University Science Bulletin . 29 (1): 3–231. 8 pls. Retrieved 27 July 2022 .
^ a b Malloch, J.R. (1912). "New American dipterous insects of the family Pipunculidae" . Proceedings of the United States National Museum . 43[1934] (1934): 291– 299. doi :10.5479/si.00963801.43-1934.291 . Retrieved 20 August 2022 .
^ Coe, R.L. (1966). Pipunculidae (PDF) . Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects. Vol. 10. p. 83. Retrieved 22 July 2022 .
^ a b Verrall, G.H. (1901). Platypezidae, Pipunculidae and Syrphidae of Great Britain. Vol. 8,In his British flies . London: Gurney & Jackson. pp. [i] + 691.
^ a b c Collin, J.E. (1937). "The British species of the rufipes -group of Pipunculus (Diptera)". Entomologist's Monthly Magazine . 73 : 209– 218.
^ Hough, G.N. (1899). "Studies in Diptera Cyclorhapha. 1. The Pipunculidae of the United States" . Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History . 29 : 77– 86. Retrieved 5 August 2022 .
^ Zetterstedt, J. W. (1838). Dipterologis Scandinaviae. Sect. 3: Diptera, pp. 477-868. In his Insecta Lapponica . Lipsiae [= Leipzig]. pp. vi + 1, 140.
^ a b c d e Morakote, R.; Hirashina, Y.; Yano, K. (1990). "A systematic study of the Japanese Pipunculidae (Diptera). Part VI. The genus Dorylomorpha Aczél and Tomosvaryella Aczél" (PDF) . Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University . 34 (4): 357– 395. doi :10.5109/23905 . Retrieved 22 July 2022 .
^ Kuzentzova, N. (1992). "A new species of Dorylomorpha (Diptera, Pipunculidae) from the Far East". Dipterological Research . 3 : 47– 49.
^ Becker, T. (1900). "Dipterologische Studien V. Pipunculidae. Erste Fortsetzung". Berliner Entomologische Zeitschrift . 45 : 215– 252.
^ a b Hardy, D.E. (1972). "Pipunculidae (Diptera) of the 1934 Swedish Expedition to Burma". Zoologica Scripta . 1 (3): 121– 138. doi :10.1111/j.1463-6409.1972.tb00671.x . S2CID 85374639 .
^ Hardy, D.E. (1965). "Neotropical Pipunculidae (Diptera) studies, part IV. Further studies of Brasilian species". Arqivos do Zoologia . 14 : 1– 67.
^ Walker, F. (1834). "Observations on the British species of Pipunculidae" . Entomological Magazine . 2 : 262– 270. Retrieved 22 July 2022 .
^ Hardy, D.E. (1939). "New Nearctic Pipunculidae (Diptera)". Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society . 12 : 16– 25, 1 pl.
^ Hardy, D.E. (1962). "Studies in Pipunculidae of Colombia" (PDF) . Proceedings of the Hawaiian Entomological Society . 18 (2): 259– 266. Retrieved 20 August 2022 .
^ Xu, Y.; Yang, C.K. (1990). "Contributions to Pipunculidae (Diptera) from Nei Mongol". Entomotaxonomia . 12 : 305– 308.
^ Kehlmaier, C. (2008). "Pipunculidae. In Ziegler, J. (ed.), Diptera Stelviana". Studia Dipterologica, Suppl . 16 : 107– 116.
^ Kowarz, F. (1887). "Beiträge zu einem Verzeichnisse der Dipteren Böhmens. VI" . Wiener Entomologische Zeitung . 6 : 146– 154. doi :10.5962/bhl.part.17745 . Retrieved 17 August 2022 .
^ Thomson, C.G. (1870). "Ofversigt af de i Sverige funna arter af slagtet Pipunculus" . Opuscula Entomologica . 2 : 109– 124. Retrieved 22 July 2022 .