The film centres on Irene (Michelle McLeod), an overweight and unpopular high school student who wishes to be a cheerleader. After being suspended from school, Irene is sent to a retirement home as punishment. She decides to indulge her passion for cheerleading by enrolling a group of senior citizens for a dance competition.[2] The film's cast also includes Bruce Gray, Anastasia Phillips, Scott Thompson, and Geena Davis.[2]
Mills won the Toronto International Film Festival's annual Pitch This! competition for emerging film directors in 2008 for the film's original pitch,[4] and the film's screenplay won the award for Best Comedy Screenplay at the 2013 Austin Film Festival.[5] However, Mills made Guidance (2015) as his feature film debut before proceeding with Don't Talk to Irene, which entered production in 2016.[2]
It went on to win both the Comedy Vanguard Award and Audience Award at the Austin Film Festival,[6] the Audience Choice at the Kingston Canadian Film Festival[7] and the Galet d'Or at the 5th Canadian film festival of Dieppe, France.[8] In June 2018, Don't Talk to Irene won two Canadian Comedy Awards: Best Feature and Best Writing in a Feature.[9]