The band's original style, featured on their releases up to and including Allegro Barbaro and on a few songs on All You Need Is Love, consists of death/thrash metal blended with melodic compositions. In later albums, the death metal influence declined, resulting in less chaotic composition (often centered around a verse and chorus with a bridge and solo), more constant tempo, longer songs and clean vocals (although not exclusively). This resulted in a more polished and accessible sound. The band uses lyrics in both English and German with a shift from mainly English songs to more German ones on recent albums (Licht is entirely in German).
The release of Have a Nice Trip marked somewhat of a turning point for the band; although they retained the essence of heavy metal, they began experimenting with many other styles of music such as ambient and jazz.
Current line-up
Fuchs (Daniel Täumel) – lead vocals, rhythm guitar (1995–present)