He was sent by the Order to serve in their houses in North America, first in Mexico City, then in Kansas City, Kansas. He taught ascetical theology and was a master of clerics at the seminary of the Order there.
On 25 January 1983, he was appointed by Pope John Paul II as auxiliary bishop for the Archdiocese of Newark and was consecrated on the following 7 April. He was entrusted with the pastoral care of the growing Hispanic population of the region, representing their interests in various situations on the national level.[2] Arias retired from this office on 21 May 2004.[3]
In 2008, on the 25th anniversary of his consecration as bishop, his hometown of Villaviciosa de la Ribera in Leon was renamed the town square in his honor.[4]
Rafael Lazcano, Episcopologio agustiniano. Agustiniana, Guadarrama (Madrid), 2014, vol. I, p. 592-596.
^His ancestry is unknown but it is known that his parents are not natives of Spain, possibly from Austria escaped before WWII, somewhere around 1932.[citation needed]