In mathematics, the Davenport constantD(G ) is an invariant of a group studied in additive combinatorics, quantifying the size of nonunique factorizations. Given a finiteabelian groupG, D(G ) is defined as the smallest number such that every sequence of elements of that length contains a non-empty subsequence adding up to 0. In symbols, this is[1]
The Davenport constant for the cyclic group is n. To see this, note that the sequence of a fixed generator, repeated n − 1 times, contains no subsequence with sum 0. Thus D(G ) ≥ n. On the other hand, if is an arbitrary sequence, then two of the sums in the sequence are equal. The difference of these two sums also gives a subsequence with sum 0.[2]
The lower bound is proved by noting that the sequence "d1 − 1 copies of (1, 0, ..., 0), d2 − 1 copies of (0, 1, ..., 0), etc." contains no subsequence with sum 0.[3]
The original motivation for studying Davenport's constant was the problem of non-unique factorization in number fields. Let be the ring of integers in a number field, G its class group. Then every element , which factors into at least D(G ) non-trivial ideals, is properly divisible by an element of . This observation implies that Davenport's constant determines by how much the lengths of different factorization of some element in can differ.[5][citation needed]
The upper bound mentioned above plays an important role in Ahlford, Granville and Pomerance's proof of the existence of infinitely many Carmichael numbers.[4]
Olson's constant O(G ) uses the same definition, but requires the elements of to be distinct.[6]
Balandraud proved that O(Cp ) equals the smallest k such that .
For p > 6000 we have
On the other hand, if G = Cr p with r ≥ p, then Olson's constant equals the Davenport constant.[7]