In 2005, Anderson became part of the Sesame Beginnings Advisory Board, which included other "national child development and media experts".[1] The Workshop has also awarded him a grant to study the "impact of baby videos on parent-child interaction".
Instructional programming for the handicapped student, 1975
The impact of children's education: Television's influence on cognitive development
Instructional programs for the severely handicapped student: Field test version
The impact on children's education : television's influence on cognitive development
Fmri in Media Psychology Research: A Special Issue of Media Psychology, with John P. Murray, 30 January 2006
Early Childhood Television Viewing and Adolescent Behavior: The Recontact Study (Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development), with Aletha C. Huston, Kelly Schmitt, Deborah Linebarger, John C. Wright, March 2001, ISBN0-631-22922-1
Child Development (1976, with S. R. Levin; 1979, with E. P. Lorch, S. R. Levin; 1981, with E. P. Lorch, D. E. Field, J. Sanders; 1985, with C. Fischer, R. Smith; 1985, with D. E. Field, P. A. Collins, E. P. Lorch, J. G. Nathan; 1986, with J. Gibbons, R. N. Smith, D. E. Field, C. Fischer; 1986, with E. P. Lorch, P. A. Collins, D. E. Field, J. G. Nathan)
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology (1972; 1975, with A. D. Well, G. F. Strutt; 1975, with A. D. Well; 1980, with J. M. Dowd, R. K. Clifton, W. H. Eichelman; 1980, with A. D. Well, E. P. Lorch)
Journal of Experimental Psychology, later Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance (1975, with M. A. Clement; 1984, with E. P. Lorch, A. D. Well)