Daddy Daughter Trip is a 2022 American comedy film directed by and starring Rob Schneider and written by Jamie Lissow and Patricia Maya Schneider. The rest of the cast consists of Mónica Huarte, Miguel Ángel Muñoz, Jackie Sandler, John Cleese, and introducing Miranda Schneider and Gavin Guerrero in their film debuts.
The film was shot in Arizona. It was announced in July 2021 that filming wrapped.[3]
The film had its world premiere at Camelview at Fashion Square in Scottsdale, Arizona on September 27, 2022.[4][5] The film was released on February 3, 2023, in Mexico.[1] before its release on home media on December 5, 2023, by Mill Creek Entertainment.[2]
Box office
As of October 7, 2023, Daddy Daughter Trip grossed $301,859, in Mexico.[1][2]
Bill Goodykoontz of The Arizona Republic awarded the film one and a half stars and wrote, "Too often the jokes don't land. Neither does the physical comedy. The story doesn't really hold. It's clear that Schneider and his daughter love each other, and this film is a way to express that. But it's a lot to ask of the rest of us to watch it."[6]