dBm or dBmW (decibel-milliwatts) is a unit of power level expressed using a logarithmicdecibel (dB) scale respective to one milliwatt (mW). It is commonly used by radio, microwave and fiber-optical communication technicians & engineers to measure the power of system transmissions on a log scale, which can express both very large and very small values in a short form. dBW is a similar unit measured relative to one watt (1,000 mW), rather than a milliwatt.
The decibel (dB) is a dimensionless unit, used for quantifying the ratio between two values, such as signal-to-noise ratio. The dBm is also dimensionless,[1][2] but since it compares to a fixed reference value, the dBm rating is an absolute one.
The dBm is not a part of the International System of Units (SI) and therefore is discouraged from use in documents or systems that adhere to SI units. (The corresponding SI unit is the watt.) However, the unit decibel (dB), without the 'm' suffix, is permitted for relative quantities, but not accepted for use directly alongside SI units. Ten decibel-milliwatts may be written 10 dB (1 mW) in SI.[3]: 7.4
In audio and telephony, dBm is typically referenced relative to the 600-ohm impedance[4] commonly used in telephone voice networks, while in radio-frequency work dBm is typically referenced relative to a 50-ohm impedance.[5]
Unit conversions
A power level of 0 dBm corresponds to a power of 1 milliwatt. A 10 dB increase in level is equivalent to a ten-fold increase in power. Therefore, a 20 dB increase in level is equivalent to a 100-fold increase in power. A 3 dB increase in level is approximately equivalent to doubling the power, which means that a level of 3 dBm corresponds roughly to a power of 2 mW. Similarly, for each 3 dB decrease in level, the power is reduced by about one half, making −3 dBm correspond to a power of about 0.5 mW.
To express an arbitrary power P in mW as x in dBm, the following expression may be used:[6]
Conversely, to express an arbitrary power level x in dBm, as P in mW:
Black hole collision, the power radiated in gravitational waves following the collision GW150914, estimated at 50 times the power output of all the stars in the observable universe.[7][8]
420 dBm
1×1039 W
Cygnus A, one of the most powerful radio sources in the sky
DCS or GSM 1,800/1,900 MHz mobile phone.
EIRP IEEE 802.11a (20 MHz-wide channels) in either 5 GHz subband 2 (5,470–5,725 MHz) provided that transmitters are also IEEE 802.11h-compliant, orU-NII-3 (5,725–5,825 MHz). The former is EU only, the latter is US only. Also, maximal power allowed by the FCC for American amateur radio licensees to fly radio-controlled aircraft or operate RC models of any other type on the amateur radio bands in the US.[13]
Maximal output from a UMTS/3G mobile phone (power class 2 mobiles)
26 dBm
400 mW
25 dBm
316 mW
24 dBm
251 mW
Maximal output from a UMTS/3G mobile phone (power class 3 mobiles)
1,880–1,900 MHz DECT (250 mW per 1,728 kHz channel).
EIRP for wireless LAN IEEE 802.11a (20 MHz-wide channels) in either the 5 GHz subband 1 (5,180–5,320 MHz) or U-NII-2 and -W ranges (5,250–5,350 MHz & 5,470–5,725 MHz, respectively). The former is EU only, the latter is US only.
23 dBm
200 mW
EIRP for IEEE 802.11n wireless LAN 40 MHz-wide (5 mW/MHz) channels in 5 GHz subband 4 (5,735–5,835 MHz, US only) or 5 GHz subband 2 (5,470–5,725 MHz, EU only). Also applies to 20 MHz-wide (10 mW/MHz) IEEE 802.11a wireless LAN in 5 GHz subband 1 (5,180–5,320 MHz) if also IEEE 802.11h-compliant (otherwise only 3 mW/MHz → 60 mW when unable to dynamically adjust transmission power, and only 1.5 mW/MHz → 30 mW when a transmitter also cannot dynamically select frequency).
22 dBm
158 mW
21 dBm
125 mW
Maximal output from a UMTS/3G mobile phone (power class 4 mobiles)
20 dBm
100 mW
EIRP for IEEE 802.11b/g wireless LAN 20 MHz-wide channels in the 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi/ISM band (5 mW/MHz).
Thermal noise floor for 1 Hz bandwidth in outer space (4 kelvins)
−∞ dBm
0 W
Zero power is not well-expressed in dBm (value is negative infinity)
The signal intensity (power per unit area) can be converted to received signal power by multiplying by the square of the wavelength and dividing by 4π (see Free-space path loss).
In European practice, psophometric weighting may be, as indicated by context, equivalent to dBm0p, which is preferred.
In audio, 0 dBm often corresponds to approximately 0.775 volts, since 0.775 V dissipates 1 mW in a 600 Ω load.[16] The corresponding voltage level is 0 dBu, without the 600 Ω restriction. Conversely, for RF situations with a 50 Ω load, 0 dBm corresponds to approximately 0.224 volts, since 0.224 V dissipates 1 mW in a 50 Ω load.
In general the relationship between the power level P in dBm and the RMS voltage V in volts across a load of resistance R (typically used to terminate a transmission line with impedance Z) is:
Expression in dBm is typically used for optical and electrical power measurements, not for other types of power (such as thermal). A listing by power levels in watts is available that includes a variety of examples not necessarily related to electrical or optical power.
The dBm was first proposed as an industry standard[16] in 1940.[17]