Daffy Duck, fatigued and disoriented from a failed migration attempt, seeks refuge in a mansion belonging to Porky Pig. Mistaking a stuffed duck for a living companion, Daffy imposes himself in the residence, encountering resistance from Porky's vigilant dog, Rover.
Through various antics and misinterpretations, Daffy's ruse is intermittently challenged, culminating in a confrontation where Porky, oblivious to Daffy's true nature, mistakenly assumes him to be a lifeless prop.
Eventually, a serendipitous encounter with a flock of fellow ducks leads to an unexpected turn of events, leaving Porky's home overrun by avian revelry.
Mel Blanc as Daffy Duck, Porky Pig, Duck, Fly, and Rover
^Beck, Jerry; Friedwald, Will (1989). Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies: A Complete Illustrated Guide to the Warner Bros. Cartoons. Henry Holt and Co. p. 237. ISBN0-8050-0894-2.