The Climate Pledge Fund is a division of Amazon, set up to develop and manage investments in the climate technology space, as part of its Climate Pledge initiative. It is a corporate venture capital fund.
The Climate Pledge Fund makes investments into early-stage companies focused on decarbonizing or sustainable technologies and services. The fund is part of Amazon's Climate Pledge initiative with climate advocacy group Global Optimism. It was funded with an initial $2 billion in June 2020.
This corporate venture capital fund is distinct from the following sustainability-related organizations affiliated with Amazon:
the $10 billion Bezos Earth Fund, which provides philanthropic grants to environmental organizations globally
the $100 million Right Now Climate Fund, which provides philanthropic contributions to local and regional non-governmental organizations in Europe
Amazon used the fund as the naming rights sponsor of Climate Pledge Arena, a sports and entertainment venue in Seattle that opened in 2021.[2] The venue was designed with environmentally-friendly features and aimed to have net-zero emissions.[3]
As of December 2021, Matt Peterson, director, corporate new initiatives, and Kara Hurst, vice president and head of sustainability, lead the fund.[4]
Notable investments
2020 investments
Redwood Materials - process & technologies for recycling lithium-ion batteries and producing battery materials from recovered elements[5]