Clever Raccoon Dog is a North Korean animated television series produced by SEK Studio which aired on North Korean state television.
The series was produced for a number of years and features both old and new animation styles, depending on the production year of each episode.
The series focuses on three main characters (a raccoon dog, a male bear, and a female cat), who are often involved in minor adventures or incidents.
Each episode has a scholastic element or a particular message, focusing on matters as scientific information, road safety, sportsmanship, among others. The first 9 episodes (episode 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 14, 22, 23) are co-produced with the French animation studio Col.Ima.Son and P.M.M.P.[citation needed]
Main characters
Neoguri (너구리, Raccoon Dog): A brown raccoon dog. He is smart and kind.
Gom (곰, Bear): A brown bear. He is strong and greedy.
Yaung-i (야웅이, Cat): A blue cat. She is naughty and tomboyish. Her gender is unclear, and even SEK's staff are confused. Although listed as female in international dubs and some DVDs and merchandise, she is considered a "boy" in some episodes. There is no clear answer from the producers about this.
Minor characters
Kkolkkol-i (꼴꼴이, Piglet): He is a mischievous baby pig. He first appeared in episode 65 and is younger than Neoguri, Gom, and Yaungi.
Mem-me (멤메, Baby Goat): He is Neoguri's classmate.
Ppiyong-i (삐용이, Chick): He is a baby chick and appeared in episode 47.
Jangsugom (장수곰/곰삼촌, Uncle Bear): He is Gom's uncle and first appeared in episode 71. He has a job manufacturing canned fish and is attacked and knocked down by hungry wolf thieves.
Kkangchong-i Annaewon (깡총이 안내원, Guide Rabbit): She is the village guide and reporter, and wears a fancy pink dress. She first appeared in episode 67.
Yang Ajumeoni (양아주머니, Mrs. Sheep): She is a sheep wearing a light pink dress. She first appeared in episode 70.
Yeomso Hal-abeoji (염소 할아버지, Mr. Goat)
Yeou Doduk (여우도둑, Thief Fox): She is a thief who tries to steal a Neoguri's robot crab.
Keungoyang-i (큰고양이, Captain Lynx): He is a lynx wearing an eyepatch. He tries to steal Neoguri's robot crab with a fox, but ultimately fails.
Voice Cast
Neoguri : Unknown (Episode 1–46) → Song Young-Suk (Episode 47–54) → Rim Bok-Hui (Episode 55) → Song Young-Suk (Episode 56–59) → Rim Bok-Hui (Episode 60–65) → Han Ok-Won (Episode 66-)
Gom : Unknown (Episode 1–46) → Won Jong-Suk (Episode 47–62) → Rim Un-Yong (Episode 63) → Rim Bok-Hui (Episode 64-)
Yaungi : Unknown (Episode 1–46) → Kwon Nyong-Ju (Episode 47–55) → Rim Un-Yong (Episode 55–62) → Lee Eun-Ju (Episode 63-)
Thief Fox : Rim Bok-Hui
Captain Lynx : Mok Geum-Sung
Thief Mouse : Dong Yun-Mi
Pilot Weasel : Park Sung-Il
63 episodes (1-63) have been released on DVD by Mokran Video.[citation needed]
The series resumed in 2021, with episode 64 being aired on 19 December.[1] These newly produced episodes featured new actresses.[2]
On February 4, 2023, The Pyongyang Times announced the production of episodes 70, 71 and 72. These episodes are respectively titled "Orange Necklace", "Waterproof Cloth" and "Plastic Magnet".[1]
English title list is almost written according to formal DVD translation, and asterisk marks mean personal translation, which is because their English names do not exist in it.
Original Title
English Title
Direction and Conductor
Chief Art Direction
Skiing Match (The Slips)
Kim Gwangsong
Kim Gwangsong
Kim Yongchan
Kang Taeyong
Kim Myonghui
Measurement of Height
Kim Yongkwon
Rim Hong-un, Chang Joil
In Yonguk
Lee Yongho
Kim Myonghui
Kim Gwangsong
Kim Gwangsong, Chang Joil
Chang Yonghwan
Kang Taeyong
Kim Myonghui
Substitute Player
Chong Songhui
Son Jonggwon, Chang Joil
Kim Yongchol
Ko Byonghwa
Kim Myonghui
불을 일으킨 얼음
With the help of ice
Kim Gwanson
Kim Gwanson, Chang Joil
Kim Gwanson
Lee Yongho
Paek Inson
An obstacle race
Kim Gwangsong
Kim Gwangsong, Chang Joil
Chong Jonghui
Lee Yonghun
Kim Myonghui
The circular championship gold cup
Kim Yonggwon
Kim Yongchan, Chang Joil
Kim Taekjon
Han Bonggi
Kim Myonghui
A short cut
Kim Yu-gyong
Kim Gwangsong, Chang Joil
Chong Jonghui
Kim Gilnam
Kim Myonghui
축구경기하는 날
The day of football game
Pak Taesul
Kim Yongchan, Chang Joil
Kim Taekjon
Kang Taeyong
Kim Myonghui
쫓겨간 호랑이
The tiger takes to flight
Kim Taehong
Kim Gwanson, Hong Sunghak
Kim Gwanson
Lee Yongho
Paek Inson
너구리가 준 시계
Raccoon Dog gives a watch*
Lee Gwang-yong
Kim Yongchan, Chang Joil
O Sunnam
Kim Gilnam
Kim Myonghui
잘못 안 시간
Mistaken Time
Cha Jeok
Kim Gwanson, Chang Joil
O Gwangsong
Kang Taeyong
Kim Myonghui
Foul player
Hwang Sok-hwan
Kim Sunhui, Chang Joil
O Sunnam
Lee Yongho
Kim Myonghui
응당한 봉변
The deserved humiliation*
Kim Gwanson
Kim Yongchan, Chang Joil
O Gwangsong
Kim Gilnam
Kim Myonghui
The Finals
Kim Yongchan
Kim Yongchan, Chang Joil
Lee Juil
Kang Taeyong
Kim Myonghui
A baseball game*
Lee In
Lee In, Chang Joil
O Gwangsong
Lee Yongho
Kim Myonghui
Figure-skating game
Kim Gwangsong
Kim Gwangsong, Chang Joil
Chong Jonghui
Kim Gilnam
Kim Myonghui
In a refrigerator car
Kim Gwangsong
Kim Gwangsong, Chang Joil
Kim Inson
Kang Taeyong
Kim Myonghui
너구리와 거부기
Raccoon Dog and Turtle
Kim Yonggwon
Kim Gwangsong, Chang Joil
O Gwangsong
Han Yongchol
Kim Myonghui
새집들이 하는 날
The day moving into a new house
Kim Yonggwon
Kang Yonghwan, Chang Joil
Kim Inson
Lee Yongho
Kim Myonghui
Kim Jun-ok
Kim Jun-ok, Chang Joil
Kim Jun-ok
Kim Gilnam
Kim Myonghui
위험한 장난
Dangerous game
Kim Gwanson
Kim Gwanson, Chang Joil
Ro Min
Kang Taeyong
Kim Myonghui
바다에서 일어난 소동
Fuss on the sea
Kim Gwanson
Kim Gwanson, Chang Joil
O Gwangsong
Cho Gwangchol
Kim Myonghui
야웅이 생일선물
Birthday gift of Cat
Kim Taehong
Kim Yongchan, Hong Sunghak
O Sunnam, Nam Won
Lee Yongho
Kim Myong Hui
무차별급 권투경기
Boxing bout (in class without weight distinction)
Kim Taemo
Kim Yongchan, Hong Sunghak
O Sunnam, Lee Juil
Kim Gilnam
Kim Myonghui
불을 끈 너구리
Raccoon Dog puts out a fire
Choi Taehyong
Chang Cholsu, Hong Sunghak
Lee Yongil
Han Bonggi
Kim Myonghui
At an amusement park*
Chang Cholsu, Pang Sun-yong
Chang Cholsu, Park Mison
Kim Yusong, Kim Gyongho
Lee Yeongho
Kim Myonghui
At a way of journeying universe*
Kim Gwanson
Kim Gwanson, Park Mison
Kim Yusong, Kim Gyongho
Lee Yongho
Kim Myonghui
다시 찾은 황금컵
A gold cup discovered again*
Kim Jun-ok
Kim Jun-ok, Park Mison
Kim Changyu, Chang Yongchol
Kim Gilnam
Kim Myonghui
너구리의 빈 화분
Raccoon Dog's empty flowerpot*
Kim Jun-ok
Kim Jun-ok, Park Mison
Paek Hak, Lee Yongil
Kang Taeyong
Kim Myonghui
하늘에서의 봉변
A humiliation at the sky*
Ro Sunhui
Chang Cholsu, Park Mison
Kim Sangik, Kim Ryonghyok
Lee Yonghun
Kim Myonghui
노없는 배로
With a boat but no paddles*
Lee Jongsun
Son Jonggwon, Park Mison
Chang Yongchol, Mun Song
Han Bonggi
Kim Myonghui
Is shadow to blame for it?
Kim Gwanson
Kim Gwanson, Park Mison
Kim Yusong, Chong Hyonchol
Lee Yongho
Kim Myonghui
At a wading pool
Rim Changgyu
Chang Cholsu, Chang Joil
Choi Ilchan, Paek Yonhui
Kim Jehung
Paek Inson
열대림에서 있은일
An event happened in a tropical forest
Kwon Myongson
Kim Gwanson, Chang Joil
Chong Hyonchol, Kim Yusong
Kang Taeyong
Paek Inson
Danger Indicator
Chang Cholsu
Chang Cholsu, Chang Joil
Kim Inson, Choi Ilchan
Lee Yongho
Paek Inson
곰의 그림숙제
Bear's Picture Homework
Kim Jun-ok
Kim Jun-ok, Kim Chol-ui
Lee Yongil, Chang Yongchol
Kim Gilnam
Paek Inson
욕심많은 곰
Greedy Bear
O su-nam
Chang Cholsu, Kim Chol-ui
Kim Gwanghyok
Lee Yonghun
Paek Inson
남극에서 온 펭긴선수
Penguin, an ice-skating player from the Antarctic
Kim Jusin
Kim Yongchan, Kim Chol-ui
O sunnam, Son Yongsam
Han Bonggi
Paek Inson
누구의 발자국일가?
Whose footprint is it?
Chang Cholsu
Chang Cholsu, Pak Mison
Kim Gwanghyok, Kim Dok-yong
Kim Jehung
Paek Inson
너구리의 과일농사
Racoon Dog grows fruit
Kim Jun-ok
Kim Gwanghyok, Chang Myongil
Yun Jusong, Paek Hak
Kang Taeyong
Paek Inson
힘을 겨루는 경기
Strength Contest
Kim Jun-ok
Ro Min
An Chundong, O Songnam
Lee Yongho
Paek Inson
없어진 어항의 물
A fish globe drained
Kim Gwanson
Kim Gwanson, Pak Mison
O Gwangsong
Lee Yonghun
Paek Inson
물스키경기 하는 날
The day of water ski game*
Chang Myonghui
Kim Gwanson, Hong Sunghak
Hong Jongchol, Son Chol-o
Kim Gilnam
Kim Yongsong
너구리가 감춘 남비
Raccoon Dog hides a pot*
Yun Hyonhui
Chang Cholsu, Chang Myongil
Chang Yongchol, Ryu Sejong
Kim Solnam
Paek Inson
Ice cold apples*
Kim Jun-ok, Sin Cholgyun
Kim Jun-ok, Kim Sandong
Paek Hak, Cho Gwangchol
Han Bonggi
Yun Jongho
In the subway*
Lee Jonghwa
Kim Gwangsong, Lee Sokhun, Chong Il-yong
Lee Dongchol, Kim Gwanghyop
Lee Yonghun
Paek Inson
꿀단지에 비낀 두 모습
Two images reflected in a honey jar*
Pang Sun-yong
Kim Jun-ok, Son Chol-o, Chong Il-yong
O Songchol, Kim Chol-ung
Kim Sunho
Paek Inson
바다가에서 있은 일
An event happened in the sea*
Kim Suhwa
Kim Jun-ok, Pak Gwanghyon, Chong Il-yong
Mun Changil, Kim Ungho
Kim Gilnam
Paek Inson
야웅이가 받은 꽃다발
Cat receives a bouquet*
Kim Jun-ok, Kim Suhwa
Pak Gyongsu, Chong Il-yong
Ryu Sejong, Lee Yongil
Nam Gyongsu
Paek Inson
열대섬동산에서 있은 일
An event happened on the hillock of a tropical island*
The series was aired in South Korea in the early 2000s by South Korean public broadcasters SBS and EBS under the original name, as well as on KBS under the title "Raccoon and Forest Friends" (너구리와 숲속 친구들) due to the Sunshine Policy which eased restrictions on North Korean media and promoted inter-Korean cooperation notably fields of culture and art.[6] Due to the show's little to no propaganda, it is one of the few North Korean programmes that do not violate the National Security Act.
In the late 2000s, it was dubbed into English by Mondo TV as The Little Bear which is not to be confused with the Little Bear series of books. [citation needed]
On June 21, 1989, North Korea issued three postage stamps, dedicated to Measurement of Height, an episode of the series.[7][2]