City Island (TV series)
City Island is an American animated short television series created by Aaron Augenblick. The series features two young friends (voiced by Kimia Behpoornia and Kimiko Glenn) in the fictional city of City Island learning about how the city works, with a focus on civics. The three-minute episodes play between long-form series on PBS Kids. City Island debuted in December 2022. This series is renewed for Season 3. SynopsisCity Island is an educational series of animated shorts that follow a light bulb named Watt and his best friend, a kite named Windy. The series educates children on civics-related topics including economics, geography, finance, and transportation.[1] CastMain cast
Guest stars
EpisodesSeason 1
Season 2
ProductionCity Island was created by Aaron Augenblick, known for Ugly Americans and Wonder Showzen.[5] Augenblick stated that he created the series in part as an homage to Sesame Street, "because I’ve always liked the idea that, in any episode, kids can … meet all these different people in a location that’s friendly, inviting, and seems like it would be really fun to hang out in."[4] The purpose of the series it to educate children about civics.[4] Augenblick worked with academic Elizabeth Hinde to decide what concepts to cover.[4] Season two expanded content to include media literacy with collaboration from National Association for Media Literacy Education.[6][3] The theme music was composed by TV On The Radio’s Tunde Adebimpe.[4] The style is based on the work of art director Gemma Correll.[5] Each episode is approximately 3 minutes long and plays as interstitial content between long-form series.[4] ReleaseThe series debuted in December 2022.[4] Season two debuted on July 5, 2024.[3] City Island airs on PBS Kids and on the official website in the United States.[1][6] City Island Sings!, a spin-off series of music videos with original songs inspired by artists such as The Beatles, Dua Lipa, and David Bowie, premiered in May 29, 2024.[2][7] Accolades2024
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