Christoph Scherrer studied economics and American studies at the University of Frankfurt, where he also received his PhD in political science in 1989. From 1990-1998, he was an assistant professor at the J.F. Kennedy-Institute of the Free University Berlin. During this time, he was a guest professor at Rutgers University in Newark, a visiting fellow in the Department of Political Science at Yale University, held a J.F. Kennedy-Memorial Fellowship at Harvard University[2] and was a Hewlett Scholar at the John E. Andrus Center for Public Affairs at Wesleyan University, Middletown, CT.
After obtaining his habilitation in 1999, he became a visiting professor of European politics at the Berlin School of Economics and a visiting professor at the University of Kassel. Since 2000, he has been a full professor of “Globalization & Politics” at the University of Kassel. Since then he has also held posts as a visiting fellow at YCIAS-Yale University, visiting professor at the Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán, visiting scholar at the International Labour Organization, visiting professor at the Tata Institute of Social Sciences in Mumbai and senior fellow at the Center for Post-Growth Societies, University of Jena.[3]
Currently, Scherrer directs two English-language Master programs: MA Global Political Economy (GPE) and Labour Policies and Globalization (LPG). He is the Executive Director of the International Center for Development and Decent Work (ICDD), an awarded center of excellence in development cooperation, Co-Director of the Böckler/Böll funded PhD program “Global Social Policies and Governance” and a member of the Steering Committee of the Global Labour University. He is laureate of the "Excellence in Teaching" prize of the state of Hessen, 2007.[4]
Scherrer, C. (2021) Macht in weltweiten Lieferketten, Hamburg, VSA.[9]
Scherrer, C. (2021): America second? Die USA, China und der Weltmarkt, Berlin, Bertz + Fischer Verlag.[10]
Karatepe and Scherrer (eds.) 2021: The Phantom of Upgrading in Agricultural Supply Chains: A Cross-Country, Cross-Crop Comparison of Smallholders, Nomos.[11]
Christoph Scherrer, Katja Radon, Andreas Haarstrick, Lars Ribbe, Reiner Doluschitz(Hrsg.) 2016: Forced Migration - environmental and socioeconomic dimensions. Perspectives of higher education institutions in development cooperation: 19 - 20 Oktober 2016, Berlin, Germany: 1st Exceed Conference Summary. München: Exceed Conference.
Ulrich Brand, Helen Schwenken, Joscha Wullweber (eds.): Globalisierung analysieren, kritisieren und verändern: Das Projekt Kritische Wissenschaft. Festschrift for Christoph Scherrer, VSA 2016, ISBN978-3-89965-724-1
with Andreas Hänlein (Hrsg.), Sozialkapitel in Handelsabkommen - Begründungen und Vorschläge aus juristischer, ökonomischer und politischer Sicht, Integration Europas und Ordnung der Weltwirtschaft, Bd. 38. Nomos-Verlag, 2012
mit Thomas Dürmeier und Bernd Overwien (Hrsg.), Perspektiven auf die Finanzkrise, Leverkuse,. Verlag Barbara Budrich, 2010
with Brigitte Young (Hrsg.), The Role of Gender Knowledge in Policy Networks, Baden-Baden, Nomos, 2010
with Ute Clement, Jörg Nowak und Sabine Ruß (Hrsg.), Public Governance und schwache Interessen, Wiesbaden, VS Verlag, 2010
Globalisierung wider Willen? Die Durchsetzung liberaler Außenwirtschaftspolitik in den USA, Berlin, Ed. Sigma, 1999
Im Bann des Fordismus. Die Auto- und Stahlindustrie der USA im internationalen Konkurrenzkampf., Berlin, Ed. Sigma/Rainer Bohn Verlag, 1992
Recent articles
Rajeev and Scherrer (2021): Smallholders’ Challenges: Realizing Peri-Urban Opportunities in Bangalore, in: Sustainability 2021, 13, 10160.[12]
Scherrer (2021): The ‘Nested’ Power of TNCs: Smallholders’ Biggest Challenge, in: Agrarian South: Journal of Political Economy, 10(2), 1-13.[13]
Scherrer 2021: Biden’s economic confrontation strategy for China: implications for workers. in: Global Labour Column, Number 380.
Scherrer 2021: Capitalism First – wie immer, nur anders. Die US-amerikanische Außenwirtschaftspolitik unter Präsident Biden. in: PROKLA. Zeitschrift für kritische Sozialwissenschaft, 51(2), Heft 203, 297-315.
Scherrer and Ismail Doga Karatepe 2021: Kollektives Handeln als Voraussetzung für die wirtschaftliche und soziale Aufwertung. Theoretische Überlegungen und Beispiele aus landwirtschaftlichen Lieferketten, in: WSI-Mitteilungen 74 (1) 44-52
Scherrer, 2020: Superfluous Workers: Why SDG #8 Will Remain Elusive, in: Kaltenborn et al. (eds.), Sustainable Development Goals and Human Rights, Springer, 119-135.
Scherrer, C., Shah, A. (2017) The Political Economy of Prison Labor: From Penal Welfarism to the Penal State, in: Global Labour Journal, 8(1) 32-48.[16]
Book Review.(2015)"Odd Couple. International Trade and Labor Standards in History". Michael Huberman, in: International Review of Social History, 60(1), pp. 118–120.
with Michael Fichter, Mark Anner, and Frank Hoffer, 2014: The Global Labour University: A new laboratory of learning for international labor solidarity?, in: Working USA, 17(4) 567-579. Article first published online: 12 DEC 2014 | DOI: 10.1111/wusa.12139.[17]
Scherrer, C. (2014). Neoliberalism’s resilience: a matter of class. Critical Policy Studies, 8(3), 348-351.[18]
with Alexander Gallas, and Michelle Williams, 2014: Inequality – The Achilles Heel of Free Market Democracy, in: International Journal of Labour Research, 6(1), 143-161.
2013: Von der Finanzialisierung zurück zum Boring Banking? In: Vierteljahresheft zur Wirtschaftsforschung, 82(4): 31–43.
Die Post-hegemoniale USA?, in: Zeitschrift für Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik, 6(1), 89-107.
Reproducing Hegemony: US Finance Capital and the 2008 Crisis, in: Critical Policy Studies, 5(3) 219–247.
with Joscha Wullweber, 2011: Post-Modern and Post-structural International Political Economy, in: Denemark, Robert A. (Hrsg.): The International Studies Encyclopedia, Blackwell Reference Online.
Scherrer, C. (2005). GATS: Long-term Strategy for the Commodification of Education. Review of International Political Economy, 484-510.[19]
Scherrer, C. (2004). Global Governance: From Fordist Trilateralism to Neoliberal Constitutionalism. In New Rules for Global Markets (pp. 109–129). Palgrave Macmillan UK.
^University of Kassel Website Zur Person, last access: 09.02.2015
^Scherrer, Christoph (1999) Globalisierung wider Willen? Die Durchsetzung liberaler Außenwirtschaftspolitik in den USA, Berlin: edition sigma 1999; ISBN3-89404-464-0