German church musician
Christoph Lehmann
Born (1947-05-07 ) 7 May 1947Died 31 August 2024(2024-08-31) (aged 77) Occupations
Church musician
Christoph Lehmann (7 May 1947 – 31 August 2024[ 1] [ 2] ) was a German organist, harpsichordist, church musician and composer, especially in the field of Neues Geistliches Lied (NGL). He had worked as a continuo harpsichordist and organist in performances and recordings of early music with several ensembles.
Life and career
Lehmann was born in Beijing.[ 3] [ 4] He studied church music in Berlin and harpsichord with Hugo Ruf in Cologne.[ 5] [ 6]
From 1972 to 1984, he was a church musician at the Protestant Thomaskirche in Düsseldorf , as well as a theatre musician in Düsseldorf, Bochum, Bonn and Aachen.[ 5] Lehmann composed numerous songs of the genre Neues Geistliches Lied.[ 7] Two songs with music by Lehmann were included in the second edition of the common German Catholic hymnal, Gotteslob , in 2013, "Ich lobe meinen Gott, der aus der Tiefe mich holt " with text by Hans-Jürgen Netz [de ] ) in the common section as GL 383, and "Wo Menschen sich vergessen ", with text by Thomas Laubach in regional section, such as GL 832 in the Diocese of Cologne .[ 8]
Since 1985, Lehmann has been an organist and harpsichordist in the field of early music for various ensembles, including Il Dolcimelo, Das Kleine Konzert in Dormagen , Movimento, and La Stravaganza in Cologne.[ 5] With the group Epoca Barocca, he recorded sonatas by Christoph Schaffrath , including a duet for two harpsichords played with Christoph Alselm Noll in 2003. A reviewer noted that he was "particularly impressive in his brilliant performance of the demanding keyboard parts".[ 9]
Popular songs with music by Lehmann include:[ 4]
External links
"Von guten Mächten " (1944)
"Danke " (1961)
"Herr, gib uns Mut zum Hören " (1963)
"Stern über Bethlehem " (1964)
"Lass uns in deinem Namen, Herr " (1965)
"Wie als een God wil leven " (1965)
"Solang es Menschen gibt auf Erden " (1966)
"Ik sta voor U in leegte en gemis " (1966)
"Herr, unser Herr, wie bist du zugegen " (1969)
"Herr, wir bringen in Brot und Wein " (1970)
"Das Weizenkorn muss sterben " (1971)
"Herr, segne uns " (1971)
"Kommt herbei, singt dem Herrn " (1971)
"Nahe wollt der Herr uns sein " (1971)
"Segne dieses Kind " (1971)
"Seht, der Stein ist weggerückt " (1971)
"Das eine Brot wächst auf vielen Halmen " (1972)
"Einer ist unser Leben " (1973)
"Seht, er lebt " (1973)
"Manchmal feiern wir mitten im Tag " (1974)
"Herr, du bist mein Leben " (1978)
"Komm, Herr, segne uns " (1978)
"Selig seid ihr, wenn ihr einfach lebt " (1979)
"Ich lobe meinen Gott, der aus der Tiefe mich holt " (1979)
"Ich lobe meinen Gott von ganzem Herzen " (1979)
"Meine engen Grenzen " (1981)
"Wenn das Brot, das wir teilen " (1981)
"Bewahre uns, Gott " (1985)
"Möge die Straße uns zusammenführen " (1988)
"Ob ich sitze oder stehe " (1988)
"Eingeladen zum Fest des Glaubens "
"Wo Menschen sich vergessen " (1989)
"Lobe den Herrn, meine Seele " (1991)
"Gott, der du warst und bist und bleibst " (1993)
"Gott hat mir längst einen Engel gesandt " (1996)
"Wäre Gesanges voll unser Mund " (1999)
"Weite Räume meinen Füßen " (2000)
"Was mein Herz schwer macht " (2001)
"Auf dem Weg durch diese Nacht " (2005)
"Glauben können wie du " (2009)
"Und meine Seele singt "
"Segne, Vater, diese Gaben "
"Nimm, o Gott, die Gaben, die wir bringen "
"Auf zu neuen Horizonten "
"Jetzt ist die Zeit "
"Wenn wir das Leben teilen "
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