Chintu Ji is a Bollywood film that was released on 4 September 2009. It stars Rishi Kapoor, Priyanshu Chaterjee, and Kulraj Randhawa. It was directed by Ranjit Kapoor and written by Shabbir Ahmed. The film was released on Rishi Kapoor's 57th Birthday.
Rishi (Rishi Kapoor), the son of legendary Raj Kapoor, decides to try his hand at politics and, to garner support, relocates to his birth village, Hadbahedi. The village is located in an isolated area where most trains do not stop, and electricity is only available for 6 hours a day. He decides to shoot a film 'Khooni Khazana' with producer/director Malkani. Once there, he secretly makes a deal to lend his name to an alcoholic beverage in exchange for a plot of land in nearby Triphala and one crore rupees, while pledging to the naive villagers that he has no intention of relocating anywhere. Misled villagers believe Hadbahedi will get popular and modernized and decide to assist him with all their might. Things escalate into chaos and anger when they find out that their valuables are being stolen and the women are being molested by the film crew, while the police accuse them of harboring a terrorist who was responsible for the 13 December 2001 attack on the Indian Parliament.
Rishi Kapoor as Rishi 'Chintuji' Raj Kapoor / Kamlesh Sukheja Ji