The town belongs to the province of Palencia because in the Middle Ages it belonged to an abadengo lordship linked to Palencia, so in the provincial division it was integrated into this province and not into Cantabria.
CEZURA: l. with council in the province of Palencia (17 leg.), part. jud. of Cervera de Rio Pisuerga (5 1/2), dioc. de Burgos (12), aud. terr. and c. g. from Valladolid (25): sit. in a valley surrounded by slopes and bushes; The climate is cold and humid, due to the much snow that falls during the winter, and the winds that prevail most frequently are from the N. and S. It has 7 houses, a fountain within the population, and several in the term. of fresh and thin waters, and an igloo. parr., dedicated to Santiago Apóstol. Confine N. Munilla; E. Valdelomar; S. Elecha, and O. Quintanilla de las Torres. The terrain is hilly and bushy, and the little that is cultivated is of poor quality, with holm oaks being found in all places, although sparsely populated. The roads are from town to town, in very poor condition due to the nature of the soil; and the correspondence is received from Aguilar de Campó by the same interested parties. prod.: rye and oats; cattle and goats, and hunting partridges and hares in abundance. ind.: the agricultural one. pop.: 6 times, 31 alm. chap. prod.: 7,600 rs. imp.: 630. The municipal budget amounts to 360 rs., and is covered by the prod. of pastures and by neighborhood distribution.