Blue Ridge (TV series)
Blue Ridge is an American action-crime television series, based on the film of the same name. The film Blue Ridge aired in 2020, with former green beret Justin Wise as the main character. The story continues in the series following Justin's new life in the Blue Ridge Mountains. The first season of the show aired on Cowboy Way Channel in spring 2024. The series also started streaming on Amazon Freevee. Series overviewThe series is a direct follow-up to the 2020 film, also titled Blue Ridge. The original film follows Justin Wise, taking up the role of Sheriff in a small mountain town to be near his ex-wife and their young daughter.[1] The film shows the town isn't as quiet as he first thought, when a murder takes place.[2] The series continues following Justin Wise's life as town Sheriff, with Johnathon Schaech returning to play the role of Wise.[3] Other returning roles include Sarah Lancaster as Ellie Wise.[4] Cast
Release & developmentThe first season of the series was greenlit by Imagicomm Entertainment in March 2023,[5] and was filmed in Charlotte, North Carolina.[6] The official trailer for the series was released on YouTube in February 2024.[7] The first episode is set to air on April 7, 2024.[8] References
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