Bless (ブレス, Buresu) is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Yukino Sonoyama. It began serialization in Kodansha's shōnen manga magazine Shōnen Magazine Edge in January 2022. After the final issue of the magazine was released in October 2023, it was transferred to the Monthly Shōnen Sirius magazine in December that same year.
Written and illustrated by Yukino Sonoyama, Bless began serialization in Kodansha's shōnen manga magazine Shōnen Magazine Edge on January 17, 2022.[1] After the final issue of Shōnen Magazine Edge was published on October 17, 2023, the series was transferred to the Monthly Shōnen Sirius magazine on December 25, 2023.[2][3] The series' chapters have been collected into six tankōbon volumes as of December 2024.[4]
During their Anime Expo 2023 panel, Kodansha USA announced that they licensed the series, with the first volume releasing in April 2024.[5] The series is also available on Kodansha's K Manga website and app in the United States.[6]
The series was nominated for the ninth Next Manga Awards in the print category in 2023, and was ranked eleventh out of 41 nominees.[17] The series was also ranked fourteenth in Honya Club's Nationwide Bookstore Employees' Recommended Comics list in 2024.[18]