Blackout is an American apocalyptic thriller podcast drama series created by Scott Conroy, produced by QCode and Endeavor Audio and starring Rami Malek and Aja Naomi King.
The show's first season premiered on March 19, 2019. Two seasons have since been released, and a third season is pending.
A sudden blackout leaves civilization in a state of unrest, and Simon Itani (Malek), a radio DJ, tries as best he can to protect his family and community through the desolate landscape in their hometown of Berlin in New England.
Aja Naomi King as Wren Foster[1](season 2-present)
Blackout was the first podcast produced and released by QCode.
The podcast was produced by QCode and Endeavor Audio.[2] Blackout was the first podcast produced by QCode.[3] The podcast was written by Scott Conroy.[4] The podcast debuted on March 19, 2019.[3] The first season of the podcast contains eight episodes.[5] The second season stars Rami Malek and Aja Naomi King.[6] The podcast was sponsored by Sonos.[7] The story is set in a New England town called Berlin.[8] The show follows a radio DJ named Simon Itani.[9] The series explores what it would be like if modern technology was rendered useless.[10] The show is an apocalyptic thriller.[11]The A.V. Club called Rami's acting the "Best Celebrity Voice Work" in a 2019 podcast.[12]
^Standley, Laura Jane; McQuade, Eric (December 27, 2019). "The 50 Best Podcasts of 2019". The Atlantic. Archived from the original on March 24, 2022. Retrieved December 15, 2022.