Big Brother 2024, also known as Big Brother 14 is the fourteenth season of the Germanreality television series Big Brother. The show returned after a four-year hiatus and begins airing on 4 March 2024 on Sat.1 and Joyn and will end after 100 days on 10 June 2024. It is the first regular season of Big Brother to be predominantly aired on a streaming platform in Germany and Sat.1 will only air the weekly live shows. Marcus Bräuer from Berlin was announced the winner of the show after 99 days and won the 100.000 € cashprize.
On 6 February 2024 it was announced that Jochen Schropp will be presenting the weekly live shows who he has already been hosting the celebrity version since 2014.[1]
Live Launch (8:15 pm – 10:15 pm) Weekly Live Shows (10:55 pm – 11:55 pm)
Highlights Shows (9:00 pm – 9:35 pm)
Live feed
In contrary to season 13, a live feed will be re-introduced.[2]
Eye logo
On 1 March 2024, Joyn released the new eye logo, which is a variation of the former eye. A multi-colored ring, representing each housemate, replaces the green ring formerly used.[3]
Theme song
The theme song of the show's intro and outro is "Leb!", the original theme song from season 1.
The official pictures of the new Big Brother house were released on 1 March 2024. It will mostly feature the same furniture previously used on season 11 of Promi Big Brother.[4]
Each week, the housemates will select a Container Chef, who will make important decisions throughout the week and is responsible for the daily life in the house.
Weekly tasks
Each week, Big Brother will set the housemates a weekly task. If successful, housemates will have a shopping budget of €4 per person per day. If not, they will have a budget of €2 per person per day.
Shopping temptation
Each week, one person will be designated to do the shopping list for the housemates in the diary room. But Big Brother will tempt the housemates with different treats which will reduce the shopping budget.
Angela, Ciara, Gema, Kevin, Maxime, Moritz Sandro, Yael
Gema, Maxime, Moritz, Sandro
Frauke, Marcus, Nicos, Yael
Christian, Kevin, Marcus
Frauke, Luanna, Simon
Benedikt, Bertha, Frauke, Marcus
Frauke, Luanna
Frauke, Marcus, Nicos
Benedikt, Christian, Frauke, Maja, Marcus, Mateo
Moritz, Sandro
Jacqueline Fewest votes to save
Ciara Fewest votes (out of 3) to save
Gema Fewest votes to save
Yael Fewest votes to save
Kevin Fewest votes to save
Simon Fewest votes to save
Bertha Fewest votes to save
Luanna Fewest votes to save
Nicos Fewest votes to save
Maja Fewest votes to win
Mateo Fewest votes to win
Christian Fewest votes to win
Benedikt Fewest votes to win
Frauke 49.46% to win
Marcus 50.54% to win
^Note 1 : On Day 1, Mateo chose to use immunity on himself. The nominations were handed out after different events where one or two persons decided another housemates.
^Note 2 : All housemates were divided in pairs and each pair had to decide on one nominations.
^Note 3 : Instead of nominations immunity was handed out. Mateo won a match and then started a line. He chose to save Kevin, Kevin chose Christian, Christian chose Nicos, Nicos chose Yael, Yael chose Angela, Angela chose Benedikt, Benedikt chose Maya, Maya chose Frauke and Frauke chose Marcus. The public than voted to save Tanja, leaving the last 4 up for eviction.
^Note 4 : Kevin found the golden egg and decided that he can live without Benedikt in the house. He moved to another room where Kevin joined him. Later that day both decided on four housemates to face eviction. Kevin than chose to not use his earlier decision to nominate Benedikt. The public decided to save one of the four nominated housemates and chose Marcus.
^Note 5 : Mateo won a game marathon and either won 7,000€ or a mystery box. He chose the box which contained a ticket for the final and immunity until then. Marcus won a match for immunity and Frauke was later saved by the public.
^Note 6 : After Bertha's eviction all housemates faced a face to face nominations. The eviction took place on Day 88 and not as normal on a Monday live show.