Avery, Donald H., The Science of War: Canadian Scientists and Allied Military Technology During the Second World War, University of Toronto Press, Toronto, 1998.
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Faucher, Philippe, Grands projets et innovations technologiques au Canada, Les presses de l'universite de Montréal, Montreal, 1999.
Germain, Georges-Hebert, Le Genie Québécois: Histoire d'une conquete, Ordre des ingenieurs du Québec/Libre Expression, Montreal, 1995.
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Babbitt, J.D. ed., Science in Canada: Selections from the Speeches of Dr. E.W.R. Steacie, University of Toronto Press, Toronto, 1965.
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Dewalt, Bryan, Building a Digital Network in Canada: Data Communications and Digital Telephony, 1959-1990, Transformation Series 2, National Museum of Science and Technology, Ottawa, 1992.
Dewalt, Bryan, Technology and Canadian Printing: A History from Lead Type to Lasers, Transformation Series 3, National Museum of Science and Technology, Ottawa, 1995.
Eggleston, Wilfred, National Research in Canada: The NRC 1916 - 1966, Clarke Irwin, Toronto, 1978.
Faucher, Philippe, Grands projets et innovations technologiques au Canada, Les presses de l'université de Montréal, Montreal, 1999.
Germain, Georges-Hebert, Le Génie Québécois: Histoire d'une conquête, Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec/Libre Expression, Montreal, 1995.
Guillet, Edwin C., The Story of Canadian Roads, University of Toronto Press, Toronto, 1967.
Harry, J., Smith, G., Lessard, Gilles, Forestry Resources Research in Canada, Science Council of Canada, Ottawa 1971.
Hopps, John A., Passing Pulses: The Pacemaker and Medical Engineering: A Canadian Story, Publishing Plus Limited, Ottawa, 1995.
Knowles Middleton, W.E., Radar Development in Canada: The Radio Branch of the National Research Council of Canada, 1939-1946, Wilfrid Laurier University Press, Waterloo, Ontario, 1981.
Koppel, Ted, Powering the Future: the Ballard Fuel Cell and the Race to Change the World, John Wiley & Sons, Etobicoke, 1999.
Lowther, William, Arms and the Man: Dr. Gerald Bull, Iraq and the Supergun, Doubleday Canada Limites, Toronto, 1991.
MacDermot, H.E., One Hundred Years of Medicine in Canada 1867-1967, McClelland and Stewart, Toronto, 1967.
Macpherson, Burgess, The Ships of Canada's Naval Forces 1910-1985, Collins, Toronto, 1981.
McDonnell, The History of Canadian Railroads, New Burlington Books, London, 1985.
McGrath, T.M., History of Canadian Airports, Lugus Publications, Ottawa, 1992.
Madger, Ted, Canada's Hollywood: The Canadian State and Feature Films, University of Toronto Press, Toronto, 1993.
Maginley, Collin, The Ships of Canada's Marine Services, Vanwell, St. Catharines, 2001.
Mayer, Roy, Inventing Canada: One Hundred Years of Innovation, Raincoast Books, Vancouver, 1997.
Mayer, Roy, Scientific Canadian: Invention and Innovation from Canada's national Research Council, Raincoast Books, Vancouver, 1999.
Milberry, Larry, Aviation in Canada, McGraw-Hill Ryerson, Toronto, 1979.
Millard, J. Rodney, The Master Spirit of the Age: Canadian Engineers and the Politics of Professionalism 1887 - 1922, University of Toronto Press, Toronto, 1988.
Morton, Desmond, A Military History of Canada, Hurtig, Edmonton, 1990.
Mouat, Jeremy, Metal Mining in Canada, 1840–1950, Transformation Series 9, National Museum of Science and Technology, Ottawa, 2000.
Muise, McIntosh, Coal Mining in Canada: A Historical and Comparative Overview, Transformation Series 5, National Museum of Science and Technology, Ottawa, 1996.
OECD, Reviews of National Science Policy: Canada, OECD Publications, Paris, 1969.
Robertson, Heather, Driving Force, The McLaughlin Family and the Age of the Car, McClelland & Stewart, Toronto, 1995.
Silversides, C.Ross, Broadaxe to Flying Shear: the Mechanization of Forest Harvesting East of the Rockies, Transformation Series 6, National Museum of Science and Technology, Ottawa, 1997.
Smallman, B.N., et al., Agriculture Science in Canada, Science Council of Canada, Ottawa, 1970.
Stewart, R.W., Dickie, L.M., Ad Mare: Canada Looks to the Sea - A Study on Marine Science and Technology, Science Council of Canada, Ottawa 1971.
Taylor, Baskerville, A Concise Business History of Canada, Oxford University Press, Toronto, 1994.
Thomson, Malcolm, M., The Beginning of the Long Dash: A History of Timekeeping in Canada, University of Toronto Press, Toronto, 1978.
Tremblay, Robert, Histoire des outils manuels au Canada de 1828 a 1960, Transformation Series 10, National Museum of Science and Technology, Ottawa, 2001.
Warrington, Newbold, Chemical Canada: Past and Present, The Chemical Institute of Canada, Ottawa, 1970.
Weir, E. Austin, The Struggle for National Broadcasting in Canada, McClelland & Stewart, Toronto, 1965.
Westman, A.E.R., Chemistry and Chemical Engineering: A Survey of Research and Development in Canada, The Science Council of Canada, Ottawa, 1969.
Wilson, Andrew, Background to Invention, Science Council of Canada, 1970.
Wilson, Andrew, Research Councils in the Provinces: A Canadian Resource, Science Council of Canada, Ottawa, 1971.
Wilson, Garth, A History of Shipbuilding and Naval Architecture in Canada, Transformation Series 4, National Museum of Science and Technology, Ottawa, 1994.