Benzylideneacetone is the organic compound described by the formula C6H5CH=CHC(O)CH3. Although both cis- and trans-isomers are possible for the α,β-unsaturated ketone, only the trans isomer is observed. Its original preparation demonstrated the scope of condensation reactions to construct new, complex organic compounds.[1] Benzylideneacetone is used as a flavouring ingredient in food and perfumes.[2]
Benzylideneacetone can be efficiently prepared by the base-induced condensation of acetone and benzaldehyde:[3]
However, the benzylideneacetone formed via this reaction can undergo another Claisen-Schmidt condensation with another molecule of benzaldehyde to form dibenzylideneacetone. Because relatively weak bases such as NaOH make very little of the enolate ion at equilibrium, there is still a lot of unreacted base left in the reaction mixture, which can go on and remove protons from the alpha carbon of benzylideneacetone, allowing it to undergo another Claisen-Schmidt condensation and make dibenzylideneacetone.[4]
If, on the other hand, lithium diisopropylamide (LDA) is used as the base, all of the acetone will deprotonated, making enolate ion quantitatively. Therefore, a more efficient, but more expense way to make benzylideneacetone is to combine equimolar amounts of LDA (in THF), acetone, and benzaldehyde.[5]
As with most methyl ketones, benzylideneacetone is moderately acidic at the alpha position, and it can be readily deprotonated to form the corresponding enolate[6]
The compound undergoes the reactions expected for its collection of functional groups: e.g., the double bond adds bromine, the heterodiene adds electron-rich alkenes in Diels-Alder reactions to give dihydropyrans, the methyl group undergoes further condensation with benzaldehyde to give dibenzylideneacetone, and the carbonyl forms hydrazones. It reacts with Fe2(CO)9 to give (benzylideneacetone)Fe(CO)3, a reagent for transferring the Fe(CO)3 unit to other organic substrates.[7]
Hydrogenation of benzylideneacetone results in a preparation of benzylacetone.
^Claisen, L. "Über die Einwirkung von Aceton auf Furfural und auf Benzaldehyd bei Gegenwart von Alkalilauge" Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft 1881, volume 14, p 2468-2471.
^Knölker, H.-J. "(η4-Benzylideneacetone)tricarbonyliron" in Encyclopedia of Reagents for Organic Synthesis (Ed: L. Paquette) 2004, J. Wiley & Sons, New York. Onlinedoi:10.1002/047084289X.rb058.