^Assumed command January 2, 1863 (see: Vaughan's report)
^ Not to be confused with the other 26th Alabama(O'Neill's) that served in the Army of Northern Virginia and later Army of Tennessee. Coltart's 26th Alabama was renamed 50th Alabama on June 6 1863.
^Brigadier General Walthall was absent on sick leave (see: Anderson's report)
^Turned over command to Lieutenant Colonel Autry on December 30, 1862 (see: Anderson's report)
^Joined Brigade December 31st, 1862; transferred, January 2, 1863 to Anderson's Brigade
^32nd Tennessee was on detached service near Wartrace, Tennessee (see: Palmer's and Pillow's reports)
^Assumed command January 2, 1863 (see: Breckinridge's and Pillow's report)
^This regiment appears subsequently on Texas register as the 32nd Texas Cavalry (see: Official Records, Series I, Volume XX, Part 1, page 936/footnote)
^Turned over command to Colonel Harper on account of sickness on December 31, 1862 (see: McCown's and McNair's report)
^Byrne's battery mentioned in Breckenridge's report. The others do not appear to have been engaged in the campaign. Baxter's battery reported as at Shelbyville, December 31, and Gibson's was ordered, December 1, 1862, to Chattanooga, Tennessee, to be fitted for the field
U.S. War Department, The War of the Rebellion: a Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, U.S. Government Printing Office, 1880–1901.